roboRIO 2.0 Firmware Version 22.8.0f135 Operating System NI Linux Real-Time ARMv7-A 4.14.146-rt67 Image Title roboRIO2 Image Image Version FRC_roboRIO2_2023_v3.1
The code running on the robot during the 03/09/2023 instance is here:
This folder contains the DS log files from our first known occurence of this issue. The DS laptop successfully connected to the field and robot, yet code would not start. At approximately 10:12:16
Contains logs from 03/09/2023 from our DS laptop. Code was started manually twice.
Contains logs from my laptop which was connected when the issue occurred 03/09/2023.
contains log files from /var/log captured while connected to the roborio when the issue occurred on 03/09/2023
contains files from /etc/natinst/share