Path: training dataset/*
Tips: The corresponding relationship between the number of nodes and the number of training samples is 1000 times. For example, the model of 10 nodes is trained with 10,000 training samples.
Explanation of each index:
Name | Feature | Explanation | Type |
CPR | Content Provider | a unique name to identify nodes | class feature |
Label | label | 1 means this CPR being selected as block producer, otherwise 0 | 1/0 |
CT | CPU Time | the CPU execution time required by running the consensus algorithm | numerical feature |
UM | Percentage of Used Memory | the percentage of free storage space of the blockchain node | numerical feature |
NC | The Number of Cores | the number of cores in the CPU chips of the blockchain node | numerical feature |
CS | Cache Size | the percentage of cache space remaining | numerical feature |
PC | Power Consumption | the energy required to support the consensus algorithm(KWH) | numerical feature |
CP | Computing Power | the computing power of a blockchain node(FLOPS) | numerical feature |
T | Join Date | the time when a node joins the blockchain system | numerical feature |
PB | The Number of Producing Blocks | the number of blocks produced by this node so far | numerical feature |
AV | Availability | the availability of a node | numerical feature |
SRBP | Success Rate of Producing Blocks | the success rate of nodes producing blocks | numerical feature |
ATPB | Average Time for Producing Blocks | the average block producing time | numerical feature |
RE | Reliability | the reliability of a node | numerical feature |
TG | Time Generated | the time of content generation | numerical feature |
CH | Content Hash | the hash value of content([0,99]) | class feature |
CTS | Content Size | the size of content([0,2]) | class feature |