Clone the repository using Heroku
git clone [email protected]:zchlm/rn-notion-integration.git
Create a new app on Heroku (
cd rn-notion-integration
heroku create rn-notion-integration
If the Heroku app is named differently, use -a <app_name>
to specify it on all following Heroku commands.
Set config variables
heroku config:set CLIENT_SECRET=<client token>
heroku config:set RATIONAL_SECRET=<rational token>
heroku config:set RATIONAL_TASK_TEMPLATE_PAGE_ID=<page id>
heroku config:set RATIONAL_DATABASE_ID=<database id>
heroku config:set CLIENT_DATABASE_ID=<database id>
heroku config:set CLIENT_BOT_USER_ID=<user id>
#<workspace>/<database id>?v=...
#<workspace>/<page id>#<block id>
Follow Heroku app logs to see what is happening
heroku logs -t
Push code to Heroku app
git push heroku
Stop the default web dyno and start worker dyno
heroku ps:scale web=0
heroku ps:scale worker=1
If there's an error, you can restart the worker dyno
heroku ps:restart