Revel is a high-productivity web framework for the Go language.
Vue CLI is a full system for rapid Vue.js development VueCLI .
VueJS The Progressive JavaScript Framework VueJS .
This starter kit combines the backend power of the Revel framework and the Golang language with the dynamic Vue.JS frontend language. This best of both worlds allows you to build reactive single page applications using Revel/Golang as your backend.
This kit is complete with Vue CLI3 which gives you a powerful command line tool to aid in your frontend application development along with Webpack which handles all of your asset bundling, test running, minification, and transpiling.
- Vue.JS (2.5.17)
- Vue Router (3.0.1)
- Vuex (3.0.1)
- Babel (3.1.1)
- Typescript (3.1.1)
- SASS processing
- Chai (4.1.0) / Mocha (5.2.4) Testing
- Install NodeJS - Confirm 'npm' command works from command line
- Install Golang and setup GOPATH/GOROOT per your environment
- Install Revel framework and Revel command line tool
- Clone Revel-VueCLI3-Starter to your GOPATH/src directory
cd public/vue-frontend
npm install
npm run serve
Go to http://localhost:8080 and you'll see:
cd public/vue-frontend
npm run build
The npm build process will handle all of the testing, transpiling, and bundling of your frontend assets. Once complete Webpack will move all of your assets into Revels /public/ folder along with moving your entry point index.html into Revel's View folder.
revel run -a revel-app
Go to http://localhost:9000 and you'll see:
The directory structure of a generated Revel application:
conf/ Configuration directory
app.conf Main app configuration file
routes Routes definition file
app/ App sources
init.go Interceptor registration
controllers/ App controllers go here
models/ Model / database schema definitions go here
views/Vue Main template and entry point, generated when a 'npm run build' is run from the Vue CLI (public/vue-frontend)
messages/ Message files
public/ Public static assets
css/ CSS files
js/ Javascript files
img/ Image files
fonts/ Font files
vue-frontend Vue CLI 3 application
tests/ Test suites
- The Getting Started with Revel.
- The Revel guides.
- The Revel sample apps.
- The API documentation.