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VaahFlutter is a Flutter-based framework that provides common features required in any application.

The purpose of developing VaahFlutter is to create a framework that can be extended in a manageable and structured manner in order to develop large applications while not having to reinvent all essential functionalities every time.

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Project requires Dart and flutter versions:

  sdk: ">=2.19.6"
  flutter: ">=3.7.11"

To change minimum requirement of dart and flutter change the sdk and flutter versions under environment in the pubspec.yaml file.

How to run app in different environments:

Environment name Command
Default flutter run OR flutter run --dart-define="environment=default"
Development flutter run --dart-define="environment=develop"
Staging/ QA flutter run --dart-define="environment=stage"
Production flutter run --dart-define="environment=production"

How to build app?

Building app with different environments

Platform Environment name Command
Android Default flutter build apk OR flutter build apk --dart-define="environment=default"
Android Development flutter build apk --dart-define="environment=develop"
Android Staging/ QA flutter build apk --dart-define="environment=stage"
Android Production flutter build apk --dart-define="environment=production"
Android (appbundle) Default flutter build appbundle OR flutter build appbundle --dart-define="environment=default"
Android (appbundle) Development flutter build appbundle --dart-define="environment=develop"
Android (appbundle) Staging/ QA flutter build appbundle --dart-define="environment=stage"
Android (appbundle) Production flutter build appbundle --dart-define="environment=production"
Platform Environment name Command
iOS Default flutter build ipa OR flutter build ipa --dart-define="environment=default"
iOS Development flutter build ipa --dart-define="environment=develop"
iOS Staging/ QA flutter build ipa --dart-define="environment=stage"
iOS Production flutter build ipa --dart-define="environment=production"
iOS (.app) Default flutter build ios OR flutter build ipa --dart-define="environment=default"
iOS (.app) Development flutter build ios --dart-define="environment=develop"
iOS (.app) Staging/ QA flutter build ios --dart-define="environment=stage"
iOS (.app) Production flutter build ios --dart-define="environment=production"

Building in different modes.

Pass additional arguments with your build commands.

mode Command
Debug flutter build ipa --debug, flutter build apk --debug
Profile flutter build ipa --profile, flutter build apk --profile
Release flutter build ipa --release, flutter build apk --release

Building ipa without signing it

flag command
--no-codesign flutter build ipa --no-codesign, flutter build ios --no-codesign

Note: building for ipa will give Runner.xcarchive. To check the app, you should right click on Runner.xcarchive > then select show package contents > then open products > application > There you will be able to find the application.


In pubspec.yaml file > Add essential packages in dependencies, and packages that a developer need in dev_dependencies.

To automatically upgrade your package dependencies to the latest versions consider running

flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

To see which dependencies have newer versions available, run

flutter pub outdated

Project structure and coding conventions:

  • 2 spaces for indentation
  • test files have _test.ext suffix in the file name > example widget_test.dart
  • Libraries, packages, directories, and source files name convention: snake_case(lowercase_with_underscores).
  • Classes, Enums, Typedefs, and extensions naming convention: UpperCamelCase.
  • Variables, constants, parameters naming convention: lowerCamelCase.
  • Method/ functions naming convention: lowerCamelCase.
  • Use relative path
    • import 'package:demo/home.dart'; → This should be avoided.
    • import './home.dart'; → Correct way
    • to fix imports you can use dart-import
  • Avoid using as instead, use is operator
  • Avoid print()/ debugPrint() calls

Android Production

  • universal package: com.webreinvent.vaahflutter

iOS Production

  • universal package: com.webreinvent.vaahflutter


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 3

