The ViUR Ignite Framework is the first attempt in building a sturdy foundation for ViUR products and Mausbrand projects.
This CSS toolkit is the very core of ViUR Ignite. It is built upon the principles of many CSS guides and frameworks.
VIUR Ignite compressor minfies images for web and builds meta tags. You find a detailed introduction and examples on our Website.
$ npm install viur-ignite-compressor
const gulp = require('gulp');
const compressor = require('viur-ignite-compressor');
gulp.task('default', function() {
Minify images and icons and build meta tags with
$ gulp
Call the function with an object of options
gulp.task('default', function() {
appName: 'VIUR Ignite Project',
appURL: '',
The Default options are:
src: './sources/',
dest: './appengine/static/',
appName: 'My App',
appURL: '',
appDescription: 'Description of My App',
developerName: 'Developer of My App',
developerURL: '',
background: '#ffffff',
metaPath: '../static/meta',
index: './appengine/html/index.html',
display: 'standalone',
orientation: 'portrait'
- Available for use under the GPL-3.0 license