A pure Python library for making heightmap and quantized-mesh terrains for CesiumJs.
Fully compatible with Cesium Terrain Server.
Usage: python3 terrainmaker.py [options] GDAL_DATASOURCE
-v, --version output program version
-h, --help output help information
-l, --fill <raster> fill nodata by another raster
-o, --out_dir <dir> output directory for terrains
-f, --format <format> terrain format: heightmap/mesh, default is heightmap
-e, --max_error <float> maximum triangulation error (float [=0.001])
-m, --mode <mode> output storage mode: compact/single, default is single
- Input GDAL_DATASOURCE elevation data should have only one band or elevation band is the first band.
- Input GDAL_DATASOURCE band must create overviews if band's X-Size or Y-Size greater than 2000 pixel.
python3 terrain_util.py
- numpy
- quantized_mesh_encoder
- pydelatin
- Bundle mode terrains for better storage and management.
- Multi-threading support