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PHP Sniffer & Beautifier for VS Code

Current Version Installs GitHub issues Commitizen friendly

This linter plugin for Visual Studio Code provides an interface to phpcs & phpcbf. It will be used with files that have the “PHP” language mode. This extension is designed to use auto configuration search mechanism to apply rulesets to files within a workspace. This is useful for developers who work with many different projects that have different coding standards.

PHPCS Version Support

This extension supports the latest stable version of PHPCS. If you are using an older version of PHPCS, please upgrade to the latest version.

Maintenance Status

My focus has shifted away from PHP to .NET development, I'm currently unable to dedicate much time to maintaining this project. However, the extension is fully operational in its current state. If you're interested in contributing as a co-maintainer to address any outstanding issues, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Active Maintainers

In June 2023 jonathanbossenger reached out to me and offered to help with maintaining the extension. I have added him as a contributor and he will be monitoring new issues and helping me review PRs. I will still be around to help out if needed.

In January 2024 seebeen signed on to be a maintainer for this project and has been granted contributor status.


Visual Studio Code must be installed in order to use this plugin. If Visual Studio Code is not installed, please follow the instructions here.


F1 -> PHPCBF: Fix this file

or keyboard shortcut alt+shift+f vs code default formatter shortcut

or right mouse context menu Format Document.

Format on save

You can also use this formatter with Format on Save enabled. Format on save has two modes: File and Modified. This extension implements support for the modified mode by using phpcbf with the Git Modified filter that is provided by phpcbf.

Multi-Root Workspace Support

This extension now fully supports Multi-Root Workspaces. The extension previously used the first root folder in your workspace to configure and run both phpcs and phpcbf. The new system allows each workspace to be configured and run independently with respect to the root folder of the open file being sniffed. This means you can have phpcs functionality in one folder and have it disabled in another within a workspace.

Linter Installation

Before using this plugin, you must ensure that phpcs is installed on your system. The preferred method is using composer for both system-wide and project-wide installations.

Once phpcs is installed, you can proceed to install the vscode-phpsab plugin if it is not yet installed.

NOTE: This plugin can detect whether your project has been set up to use phpcbf via composer and use the project specific phpcs & phpcbf over the system-wide installation of phpcs & phpcbf automatically. This feature requires that both composer.json and composer.lock file exist in your workspace root or the phpsab.composerJsonPath in order to check for the composer dependency. If you wish to bypass this feature you can set the phpsab.executablePathCS and phpsab.executablePathCBF configuration settings.

NOTE: phpcbf is installed along with phpcs.

System-wide Installation

The phpcs linter can be installed globally using the Composer Dependency Manager for PHP.

  1. Install composer.

  2. Require phpcs package by typing the following in a terminal:

    composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer
  3. You must specifically add the phpcs and phpcbf that you want to used to the global PATH on your system for the extension to auto detect them or set the executablePath for phpcs and phpcbf manually.

Project-wide Installation

The phpcs linter can be installed in your project using the Composer Dependency Manager for PHP.

  1. Install composer.

  2. Require phpcs package by typing the following at the root of your project in a terminal:

    composer require --dev squizlabs/php_codesniffer

Plugin Installation

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Press Ctrl+P on Windows or Cmd+P on Mac to open the Quick Open dialog.
  3. Type ext install phpsab to find the extension.
  4. Press Enter or click the cloud icon to install it.
  5. Restart Visual Studio Code!

Docker support

If you would like to run phpcs in your docker containers using this extension, a fork exists that will provide you with Docker support.

Basic Configuration

There are various options that can be configured to control how the plugin operates which can be set in your user, workspace or folder preferences.


[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: boolean | Default: true ]

This setting controls whether phpcbf fixer is enabled.


[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: string[] | Default: [] ]

Passes additional arguments to phpcbf runner.


    phpsab.fixerArguments: ["-n", "--ignore=tests/*"]

# Translated
phpcbf -n --ignore=tests/* <file>


[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: boolean | Default: true ]

This setting controls whether phpcs sniffer is enabled.


[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: string[] | Default: [] ]

Passes additional arguments to phpcs runner.


    phpsab.snifferArguments: ["-n", "--ignore=tests/*"]

# Translated
phpcs -n --ignore=tests/* <file>


[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: string | Default: null ]

This setting controls the executable path for phpcs. You may specify the absolute path or workspace relative path to the phpcs executable. If omitted, the plugin will try to locate phpcs using you local composer.json, then your global environment path.

NOTE: phpcbf is installed along with phpcs.

    "phpsab.executablePathCS": "C:\\Users\\enter-your-username-here\\AppData\\Roaming\\Composer\\vendor\\bin\\phpcs.bat"

If you are setting this value in the extension settings user interface, make sure to leave out the quotes



[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: string | Default: null ]

This setting controls the executable path for the phpcbf. You may specify the absolute path or workspace relative path to the phpcbf executable. If omitted, the extension will try to locate phpcbf using you local composer.json, then your global environment path.

    "phpsab.executablePathCBF": "C:\\Users\\enter-your-username-here\\AppData\\Roaming\\Composer\\vendor\\bin\\phpcbf.bat"

If you are setting this value in the extension settings user interface, make sure to leave out the quotes



[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: string | Default: null ]

This setting controls the coding standard used by phpcbf. You may specify the name, absolute path or workspace relative path of the coding standard to use.

NOTE: While using composer dependency manager over global installation make sure you use the phpcbf commands under your project scope !

The following values are applicable:

  1. This setting can be set to null, which is the default behavior and uses the default_standard when set in the phpcs configuration or fallback to the Pear coding standard.

        "phpsab.standard": null

    You may set the default_standard used by phpcbf using the following command:

    phpcs --config-set default_standard <value>

    or when using composer dependency manager from the root of your project issue the following command:

    ./vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set default_standard <value>
  2. The setting can be set to the name of a built-in coding standard ( ie. MySource, PEAR, PHPCS, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz, Zend ) and you are good to go.

        "phpsab.standard": "PSR2"
  3. The setting can be set to the name of a custom coding standard ( ie. WordPress, Drupal, etc. ). In this case you must ensure that the specified coding standard is installed and accessible by phpcbf.

        "phpsab.standard": "WordPress"

    After you install the custom coding standard, you can make it available to phpcbf by issuing the following command:

    phpcs --config-set installed_paths <path/to/custom/coding/standard>

    or when using composer dependency manager from the root of your project issue the following command:

    ./vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths <path/to/custom/coding/standard>
  4. The setting can be set to the absolute path to a custom coding standard:

        "phpsab.standard": "/path/to/coding/standard"

    or you can use the path to a custom ruleset:

        "phpsab.standard": "/path/to/project/phpcs.xml"
  5. The setting can be set to your workspace relative path to a custom coding standard:

        "phpsab.standard": "./vendor/path/to/coding/standard"

    or you can use the path to your project's custom ruleset:

        "phpsab.standard": "./phpcs.xml"


[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: boolean | Default: true ]

Automatically search for any .phpcs.xml, .phpcs.xml.dist, phpcs.xml, phpcs.xml.dist, phpcs.ruleset.xml or ruleset.xml file to use as configuration. Overrides phpsab.standard configuration when a ruleset is found. If phpcs finds a configuration file through auto search this extension should similarly find that configuration file and apply fixes based on the same configuration.

NOTE: This option does not apply for unsaved documents (in-memory). Also, the name of files that are searched for is configurable in this extension.


[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: array | Default: [] ]

An array of filenames that could contain a valid phpcs ruleset.

    "phpsab.allowedAutoRulesets": ["phpcs.xml", "special.xml"]


[ Scope: All | Optional | Type: string | Default: onSave ]

Enum dropdown options to set Sniffer Mode to onSave or onType.

  1. onSave: The Sniffer will only update diagnostics when the document is saved.

  2. onType: The Sniffer will update diagnostics as you type in a document.


[ Scope: All | Optional | Type: number | Default: 250 ]

When snifferMode is onType this setting controls how long to wait after typing stops to update. The number represents milliseconds.


[ Scope: All | Optional | Type: boolean | Default: false ]

Determines if the Sniffer includes the source of the diagnostic data with error messages.

Advanced Configuration


[ Scope: Resource | Optional | Type: string | Default: composer.json ]

This setting allows you to override the path to your composer.json file when it does not reside at the workspace root. You may specify the absolute path or workspace relative path to the composer.json file.

Diagnosing common errors


[ Scope: All | Optional | Type: boolean | Default: false ]

Write debug information to the PHP Sniffer & Beautifier output channel and enable the display extra notices.

The phpcs report contains invalid json

This error occurs when something goes wrong in phpcs execution such as PHP Notices, PHP Fatal Exceptions, Other Script Output, etc, most of which can be detected as follows:

Execute the phpcbf command in your terminal with --report=json and see whether the output contains anything other than valid json.


This extension is based off of the phpcs extension created by Ioannis Kappas, the PHP Sniffer extension create by wongjn and the existing phpcbf extension by Per Søderlind. It uses some portions of these extensions to provide the phpcs & phpcbf functionality with auto config search.

Contributing and Licensing

The project is hosted on GitHub where you can report issues, fork the project and submit pull requests. See the development guide for details.

The project is available under MIT license, which allows modification and redistribution for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.