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ArchOn Admin

November 2023 - February 2024 (3 months)

ArchOn Admin is a React-based single-page application (SPA) that serves as the administrative backend for a fictional ArchOn magazine website. It was developed as a full-stack project to gain experience in React and UI component creation, as well as to build an entire site from scratch.


  • Login & Registration
    • Users can log in using their email and password.
    • Registration allows users to create an account with their name, email, password, and password confirmation.
    • Input validation checks and error messages are implemented.
  • Authentication
    • JWT access tokens are stored in localStorage, while httpOnly cookies hold refresh tokens.
    • Tokens are sent along with each request to the site. In case of authentication errors, users are redirected to the login page.
  • Authorization
    • Feature access is restricted based on user roles (20% implemented).
    • Roles include admin, editor (site manager), author, and regular user.
    • This site is currently restricted to admins, editors, and authors.
  • User Management
    • Users can view a list of users with their names, roles, emails, writing topics, and registration dates.
    • Searching by name and email, filtering by role, and paging are available.
    • User roles can be edited directly from the list.
  • Topic Management: Topics (categories) can be added, renamed, and their order adjusted.
  • Headline Selection: Articles can be selected as headlines and subheadlines.
  • Article Management: Articles can be viewed, written, edited, and deleted.
  • Account Management: Users can set their avatar, write their career history, and reset their password.
  • UI Customization: Font and font size can be customized, and dark mode is supported.

Technical Focus

  • This project focused on creating functional UI components (drop-down menus, tables, drag-and-drop lists) from scratch.
  • I considered component design principles and structures to enhance component reusability.
  • Through small-scale development and manual testing, I reflected on UX and incorporated improvements.


  1. Login & Registration


  2. User Management


  3. Headline Selection and Article Management


  4. Article Writing


  5. Topic Management


  6. Profile Setting


  7. Password Change


  8. Display Settings


Visit the Site

Tech Stack


  • Library: React
  • Langauge: TypeScript
  • Styling: TailwindCSS
  • Remote State Management: Tanstack React Query
  • UI State Management: Context API, Zustand
  • Form State Management: React Hook Form
  • Type Check: Zod, hookform/resolvers
  • Icon Pack: Iconify (Lucide)
  • Text Editor: CKEditor5
  • Backend Communication: Axios
  • Etc: Date-fns, Crypto-js for AES256 Encryption


Archon API

  • Go to the GitHub
  • Library: Express, Node.js
  • Database: MariaDB
  • Logging: Pino, Pino-http
  • Security: Express-rate-limit, Xss, Helmet, Hpp, Bcrypt 등
  • API Test: Postman
  • Image Service: Cloudinary

Development Environment

  • Source Code: GitHub
  • Build Tool: Vite
  • Design: figma
  • Etc: VSCode, GitHub Copilot, Console Ninja, Redux Devtools, Eslint, Prettier

Cloud Services and Deployment

  • Backend Hosting and Deployment: Oracle Cloud, Docker, Nginx (Conneted to my subdomain)
  • Frontend Hosting and Deployment: Oracle Cloud, Docker, Docker Hub, Nginx (Conneted to my subdomain)

Data Design



  • While the original magazine site used vibrant colors, the admin site employs a calm and neutral blue palette.
  • Initially considering UI libraries like MUI or Ant Design, I was drawn to the basic styling of shadcn/ui and built UI components based on it.
  • Discovering the headless UI Radix based on shadcn/ui, I plan to apply it to the original magazine site's existing design system.
  • Headless UI libraries offer flexibility and aided in understanding the component composition pattern.
  • Developing dropdowns and tables for various screen sizes posed significant challenges.


  • Organize complex logic introduced by feature additions and removals.
  • Enhance authorization features.
  • Review and fix bugs in image uploading and article editing.
  • Define and display various error scenarios.
  • Rename the project from "cms" to "admin" to reflect broader management


A personal project for archon cms web app w/ React






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