Starterkit/ Boilerplate for Projects with Vue, Vuex, Vuetify and Firebase Authentication + Firestore DB.
@login: [email protected] (email) / revuese (password)
Don't bother reinventing the wheel for each project. Use this vue-starter-kit/ vue-boilerplate with google firestore-authentication to jump into developing your idea straight away. Get authentication (firestore), dynamic routing, state management (vuex), the powerful vuetify component library, SCSS support, a modern testing Setup (Cypress & Jest), the latest bable plugins (optional chaining/ nullish-coalescing-operator) and much more ready configured for your next project.
- Fork this repository and clone your forked version to your local machine
- cd into revuese
- Change all occurences of 'revuese' in the code with your projects'name
- Run npm install
- Create .env.local file in root directory
- Setup Firebase account:
- Go to console ( and create new web project
- Create a new web app for your project including firestore
- Go within firebase console to the tab Authentication - Sign-in Method and enable Email/Password as sign-in method for your project
- Go within firebase console to Database and create a new collection named 'users' in your firestore database (you can use Auto ID) and change the database rule to
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;
- Copy ApiKey, AuthDomain and ProjectId into .env.local file with the following syntax:
- Run npm start
- Go to localhost:8080
- Click on Signup here and register
- A new users database has been created for you (check in Firebase Admin Panel in the section 'Databases')
- Firebase provides free Hosting for your app. Go to the tab Hosting within the firebase console to see your project's subdomain url.
Special features:
- Dynamic routing -- Each folder within src/pages will be automagically turned into a route (see src/plugins/router/helper.js)
- Dynamic store -- The store comes with two pre-build Modules. 'User' and Current'. The latter one is special because state, getters, actions and mutations are automagically created by simply adding the name for it into a predefined array thus avoiding to write unnecessary boilerplate code. It works only for simple state values that don't specific specific calculations (see src/plugins/store/helper/storeCreator.js)
- Firebase Authentication -- Firebase Authentication (.env.local with api credentials needed) with individual methods on prototype ($firebase, $fireauth and $firestore) -- Comes with login, logout, signup and password-reset pages and the built-in logic needed for that to authenticate. See page 'Authenticated' for an example. -- Each user gets after signup by default the role 'guest'. See page 'Guest' for an example.
- Automatic creation of an user database in firestore after signup
- Firebase CRUD methods -- Essential Firebase methods are abstracted into reusable mixins (addNamedCollection, addAutoIdCollection, getData, mergeData, removeField, updateData, overwriteData) that read from a firestoreRefs object with individual pathes based on your firestore database schema.
Other features:
- Vuetify component library with robo-font and material design icon library locally installed via npm
- Opiniated eslint configuration with airbnb config (without prettier)
- ForceRerender mixin that updates the clean way in Vue via updating a key of the desired component
- Page transitions:
- Vue fragments:
- i18n multi-language support:
- ISO-639-1 languagecode formatting for clean language names
Components (prebuilt):
- Login, Signup, Passwordreset (before auth)
- Appbar, Navigation Drawer (after auth)
- Profile with necessary logic to update own profile in firebase
- Draggable Modal with many functionalities
- Loader and snackbar with dedicated methods and default values (see mixins/snackbar and mixins/loader)
- Title as an example global component (see components/global) with an example unit test
Pages (prebuilt):
- Login, Signup, Passwordreset, Home, Account, Settings, Error
- SCSS support pre-configured via sass-ressource-loader in vue.config.js
- Dedicated config files in root
- Optional-chaining
- Nullish-coalescing-operator
Packages/ Tools:
- Vuex
- Vuex persistant state (persist after reload)
- Vuetify
- Secure-ls to encrypt local vuex state
- Webpack
- Babel
- Jest (unit)
- Cypress (E2E)
- Husky (Git hooks)
See: 'How to get started' for detailed project setup instructions.
npm install
npm run serve || npm run start
npm run build
npm run test
npm run test:unit
npm run test:e2e
npm run lint
npm run deploy