TL;DR: To run the whole demo (assumes you have the GCP gcloud cli/api and other tools installed)
git clone
cd OpsMgr-in-Kubernetes-and-Docker/k8s
cp sample_init.conf init.conf
This demo will install OM and a few MDB Clusters into a Kubernetes cluster.
- Ops Manager v7 is the current version.
- Application DB - aka App DB - a Cluster for OM data
- For Backup, 2 Clusters are built: a blockstore Cluster for data and an oplog Cluster for continous backups
- 2 Production Clusters
- an example replica set cluster.
- an example sharded cluster.
- TLS Certs are created using a self-signed CA.
- An openLDAP server is included and configured to support OM users and/or DB users.
- There is the option to deploy a BiConnector for each cluster.
- And Queriable backup is available too!
- Setup the K8s cluster
- Install the needed command tools: kubectl, cfssl (to generate a CA).
Note: see the multiCluster section below to create 4 seperate K8s clusters which can be used for this part.
* Kubernetes - the demo is compatible with RH Openshift, Docker-Desktop, Minikube, AWS EKS, GCP K8S.
* For a small Production/Full Deployment:
* 48-64 Cores
* 192-256 GB Memory
* 2000-5000 GB Disk
* Minimum resources required for a demo:
* 8 Cores
* 11GB Memory (2GB of swap)
* 50GB Disk
The _launch.bash script runs several "deploy" scripts for each of the following steps.
Important Before you run the _launch.bash script or any of the "deploy" scripts, copy the sample_init.conf
file to init.conf
and customize the parameters, such as adding your username (your email) and/or a new password.
Note: For a simple demo, you may need to change serviceType to NodePort vs LoadBalancer.
Script 1: deploy_Operator.bash
- Setup the environment in the namespace defined in init.conf
- Deploys the MongoDB Enterprise K8s Operator
- Deploys the Cert-Manager if TLS is on (default)
Script 2: deploy_OM.bash
- Setup the Ops Manager enviroment
- Deploy the OM Resources
- OpsManager
- AppDB
- Monitors the progress of OM for Readiness
Script 3: deploy_Cluster.bash
- The script creates various TLS certificates, mdb users, secrets, and related configmaps. In other words, it deploys a cluster.
- the _launch script deploys several MDB clusters.
- The Oplog and Blockstore ReplicaSet Clusters complete the Backup setup for OM
- The cluster "myreplicaset" is a "Production" ReplicaSet Cluster and has a splitHorizon configuration for external cluster access
- connect via
- connect via
- The cluster "mysharded" is a "Production" Sharded Cluster using either NodePort or LoadBalancer for external cluster access
- The script monitors the progress of the "mongodb" resource to attain "ready" before it exits.
- Note: for convenience, the k8s cluster node names are used for the split horizon external access.
To login to OM, connect with a browser using the user/password defined in
The URL to OM depends on two things:
- whethter TLS is used (default) and
- the port exposure methods.
When TLS is configured, use port 8443 (port 8080 is for a non-secure setup).
- If using a LoadBalancer, use: https://opsmanager-svc.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:8443
- Or with NodePort, use: https://opsmanager-svc.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:32443
Note: the actual URL will be shown along with the external name configured.
The admin user credentials and various other settings are held in
The scripts also create a hostname entry such as: opsmanager-svc.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local
or opsmanager-svc
into the
file for your convenience. -
Note: Add the custom TLS certificate authority (certs/ca.crt) to your keystore. This will allow seamless unchallenged secure https access.
- Run
to create the server- This creates an openLDAP server and pre-configures OM for users and groups.
- There are several DBusers: dbAdmin, User01, User02 (password is Mongodb1)
- There are several OpsMgr Users: e.q Thomas.Luckenbach
- There are 4 groups:
- dn: cn=dbadmins,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
- dn: cn=dbusers,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
- dn: cn=readers,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
- dn: cn=managers,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
- The "manager" group is intended for configuring LDAP for OM users
- The "dbusers" group is intended for configuring LDAP for DBusers
- The "dbadmim" group is intended for configuring LDAP for DBadmins for clusterAdmin etc.
- Run
bin/deploy_BIC.bash -n <cluster> -p <NodePort>
to create the connector server- This creates and configures a BiConnector server for a Cluster on NodePort N (e.g. 30307).
If you didn't already make multiple k8s clusters, run the
to create 4 K8s in GCP.Note: this script builds a central cluster and 4 member clusters and then installs Istio mesh. The central cluster also has a VPC-wide DNS server.
- Creates two 5-node replicaSets across 3 the K8s "member" clusters - one is externally accessible using an external domain. Note: this should be run afer you build OM resources as outlined above.
Docker Image Repo:
These scripts run/deploy several containers in Docker. They create an OpsManager instance with severval agent-ready "empty nodes" to provision a cluster - leverage the Automation, Backup, etc.
- Build or pull the image (add -b option to build a new image with step1.bash script)
- Will create a docker network called mongonet and deploy OpsMgr and its AppDB
- Add host alias to localhost as OpsMgr in /etc/hosts
- Login and configure OpsMgr
- Set the server to http://opsmgr:8080
- Use a fake mail server, smtp, port 25, and use defaults for other values
- Click on Admin to et up Backup DB blockstore (localhost:27017)
- In OpsMgr, to the project and create an API key
- Add this Group key and API key to the file 6.x_node/data/automation-agent.config
- Create some nodes - their agent will "register" with OM as available servers.
- For 3 nodes:
- run these commands: run 1; run 2; run 3
- Login in to http://localhost:8080 (localhost)
- Provision a cluster on the 3 nodes