Title: Jumper
Description: Group project game similar to hangman but with a parachuter
Project Structure: hi_low_game (Main folder containinng the game files)
--+Director.cs (organizational class)
--+Program.cs (main entry point)
--+ProgressTracker.cs (tracks win/loss progress of the game)
--+README.md (General info)
--+TerminalService.cs (contains all terminal writing or reading)
--+WordList.cs (provides game word based on difficulty)
--+WordManager.cs (Controls and contains info on the Word that is being used)
Required Software: The ability to run C# programs
Persons involved in programming and debugging this program: Douglas Hill - [email protected] Tyler Brady - [email protected] Samuel Adams - [email protected] Zak Law - [email protected] Daniel Smith - [email protected]