Converting from akka-http & slick (impure) to http4s & doobie (pure)
From the Pure Functional HTTP APIs in Scala book:
If you would like to do the refactoring step then you can copy the impure folder to a new directory and refactor
from there, using the pure
folder as a reference
sbt impure/run
sbt pure/run
Start PostgreSQL
docker-compose up -d
Create product
curl -d '{"id": "43992e94-8007-11eb-9439-0242ac130002", "names": [{"name":"A non empty string", "lang": "en"}]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:49152/products
Update product
curl -d '{"id": "43992e94-8007-11eb-9439-0242ac130002", "names": [{"name":"A non empty string", "lang": "es"}]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT localhost:49152/product/43992e94-8007-11eb-9439-0242ac130002
Get all products
curl localhost:49152/products
Get one product
curl localhost:49152/product/{ProductId}