Follow the instructions on the arm arch site or use the picarbs playbook to get Arch on the SD card.
Assume the user to run weewx is WEEWX_USER, that user needs rw access to /dev/ttyUSB on which the Vantage sits, so:
$ sudo usermod -aG uucp $WEEWX_USER
In .bashrc
activate venv to ease weewx admin
source ~/weewxvenv/bin/activate
export PATH=$PATH:~/weewx/bin/
venv and weewx are installed below
$ sudo pacman -S freetype2 nginx python2 python2-virtualenv
Its important to get freetype2 installed before building pillow as pillow will not link in freetype2 fonts if its not available at build time during pip install.
To rebuild a existing pillow install be sure to ignore the cache:
$ pip uninstall pillow
$ pip install --no-cache-dir pillow
$ virtualenv2 ~/.venvs/weewx
$ source ~/.venvs/weewx/bin/activate
$ pip install configobj Cheetah pillow pyserial pyusb pyephem
Clone weewx into ~/workspace/ and install from there
[thys@weather ~]$ tree -d -L 2
|-- weewx
| |-- archive
| |-- bin
| |-- docs
| |-- examples
| |-- public_html
| |-- skins
| `-- util
`-- workspace
`-- weewx
Drop in /etc/systemd/system/weewx.service
Description=weewx weather system
ExecStart=/home/WEEWX_USER/weewx/bin/weewxd --daemon --pidfile=/var/run/ /home/WEEWX_USER/weewx/weewx.conf
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
and enable:
$ sudo systemctl enable --now weewx
The weather site is available locally hosted by nginx from the pi and also from a aws hosted s3 bucket
pertinent parts. Run nginx as WEEWX_USER
http {
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root /home/WEEWX_USER/weewx/public_html;
index index.html index.htm;
weewx generates the static site every 5m, the generated files are copied to a s3 bucket and served from there:
s3cmd seems to get css mime types wrong so be sure that all css files are marked 'text/css', else it will fail to render correctly in the browser.