Due to the original repo containing some sensitive private information, we decided to disclose our code as a separate public repo.
Make a python 3.8 venv, and then:
pip install -r requirements.txt -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html --no-cache-dir
Genereated Samples are available here. As outlined on the paper, these samples were all normalized with pyloudnorm to -27 LUFS before they could be used in subjective testing.
Alternatively, you can listen to some samples on our demo page. The audio on this website has been normalized to -27 LUFS. (All normalization was done with pyloudnorm. Awesome package!)
Please download the checkpoints link and the "reproduction kit" which contains parts of the dataset we used link. We used only one split of each dataset and down-sampled them, so it is strongly recommended that you download them. After downloading, place the reproduction kit in data
For DDD and 1dB(voicebank-demand):
python infer_gan.py \
+noisy_dir=data/vbdm/clipped_1dB \
+noisy_json= \
+load_from=(directory with models)/hifigan_bs2/checkpoint.th \
+out_dir=inferred/1dB/hifigan_bs2 \
+experiment=setting_3 \
For DD:
python infer_vanilla.py \
+noisy_dir=data/vbdm/clipped_1dB \
+noisy_json= \
+load_from=(directory with models)/shift_only_adamw/checkpoint.th \
+out_dir=inferred/1dB/shift_only_adamw \
+experiment=setting_3 \
For T-Unet:
python infer_vanilla.py \
+noisy_dir=data/vbdm/16384_clipped_1dB \
+noisy_json= \
+load_from=(directory with models)/realbaseline/checkpoint.th \
+out_dir=inferred/1dB/realbaseline \
+experiment=setting_3 \
The "real" in realbaseline
comes from how we initially made a mistake in copying the T-UNet architecture and then had to modify code after a correspondence with Dr. Nair (the first author of their paper).
Modify the scripts as necessary. Alternatively, please look at the runinfer_in_batch*
files and use them accordingly.
Step 1: Download the Voicebank-DEMAND dataset and decompress it. Delete the noisy split. Resample all to 16kHz. In a separate directory, clip the clean speech from the test set so that they have a SNR of 3dB.
Alternatively, I have prepared a reproduction kit where all of this is already done for you.
Step 2:
mkdir -p egs/vbdm_clip/tr
mkdir -p egs/vbdm_clip/cv
mkdir -p egs/vbdm_clip/ts
python make_egs.py $noisy_train > egs/vbdm_clip/tr/noisy.json
python make_egs.py $clean_train > egs/vbdm_clip/tr/clean.json
python make_egs.py $noisy_test > egs/vbdm_clip/ts/noisy.json
python make_egs.py $clean_test > egs/vbdm_clip/ts/clean.json
python make_egs.py $noisy_dev > egs/vbdm_clip/cv/noisy.json
python make_egs.py $clean_dev > egs/vbdm_clip/cv/clean.json
Confirm that the resulting json files are nonempty, and each entry contains the absolute path of the speech samples.
Step 3: run the script.
For DDD: runmain_clipped_hifigan.sh
For DD: runmain.sh
For T-UNet: runrealbaseline.sh
The structure of the code, was heavily inspired by this repository, where Demucs is used to perform speech denoising. That repo is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0, included in this repo under the directory incl_licenses
. While other codes are licensed under MIT, please understand that a large portion of this repo is still under CC BY-NC 4.0 as they have not been written from scratch.