I am a Physicist turned Data Scientist turned "graphista", using graph databases such as Neo4j or ArangoDB, graph algorithms and graph machine learning. I also like to develop stuffs, using Python, React or other cool language.
I am also the author of the book "Hands-On Graph Analytics with Neo4j", published by @PacktPublishing, whose associated code can be found here.
You will find here examples of my open-sourced work:
- Neo4j GraphRAG is a Python package to help you chat with your data leveraging Knowledge Graph and LLMs.
- neomap is a React based application connecting to a Neo4j graph and showing nodes with spatial attributes on a map (leaflet behind the hood) (ARCHIVED)
- pygds uses some Python magic to use the Neo4j Graph Data Science plugin from Python easily (without having to write Cypher queries) (ARCHIVED)
- l4gims is a Django + d3.js powered website built during a hackathon (and a few more hours to go beyond the demo effect) (from 2019)
Follow me on Twitter: @st3llasia, that's where I post most of findings and update- Check my Linkedin Profile
- Find a list of my publications on my Packt's author page
- I am also blogging from time to time on medium
and my personal website