In a nutshell - Improve your laptop's standby experience & Eliminate concerns about battery drain while in your bag.
In detail
- Suspend nearly all processes during sleep.
- Disable network connections, mouse input, and keyboard input while sleeping.
- Quickly return to sleep if accidentally awakened.
- Log kernel power events.
- Turn off "Away Mode" to prevent interference with normal S0 sleep.
Goodnight is a CLI application, a GUI application, and a C++ library that provides a clear interface over Windows power events and management.
Open the GUI and enable the functions you needs.
Simple usage: Open the goodnight-cli.exe and it will run under default configuration.
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Goodnight CLI v0.1.1
goodnight-cli.exe [-k|--keep-sleep] [-l|--wake-log] [-s|--suspend-processes] [-w|-a|--wakeup-actions <wakeupActions>] [-v|--verbose] [-d|--disable-devices] [-?|-h|--help]
Display usage information.
-k, --keep-sleep Keep the system in sleep mode
-l, --wake-log Log the wake events
-s, --suspend-processes Suspend processes on sleep
-w, -a, --wakeup-actions <wakeupActions>
Wakeup actions [DisplayOn, PowerButton, Keyboard, Mouse, TouchPad, ACDCPower, Other, All]
-v, --verbose Verbose log
-d, --disable-devices Disable devices on sleep
-?, -h, --help
Fuck Microsoft. Fuck AMD & Intel.