An unofficial, unauthorized, unknown, unapproved caching API for SetApp data
- Programmatic access to SetApp data
- Complete app data including icons, links, release date and more
- Caching to minimize impact on SetApp servers
- Full text search of app names and descriptions
- Category listing
- Subcategory id and name listing
- Apps by category
Parameter | Type | Description |
none |
none |
none |
Returns API information
GET /apps
Parameter | Type | Description |
none | none | none |
Returns all apps
GET /apps/{id}
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
ID of app in collection |
Returns app information for app with specified id
GET /cats
Parameter | Type | Description |
none |
none |
none |
Returns all category names
GET /cats/{category}
Parameter | Type | Description |
category |
string |
Name of category |
Returns all apps in specified category
GET /subcats
Parameter | Type | Description |
none |
none |
none |
Returns all subcategories
GET /search/{query}
Parameter | Type | Description |
query |
string |
Term to search for |
Return all items which have the query provided in their name or description
To deploy this project get the release executable for your OS or clone the source and build
git clone
sudo go build setgo-api.go
To run, edit the ./.env file and set the following values:
Parameter | Type | Description |
SETAPP_URL | string | SetApp apps page (probably |
CACHE_FILE | string | File location of cached json data |
SUBCAT_FILE | string | Id and name mapping json |
HELP_TEMPLATE | string | File location of HTML template for help (/) |
SERVER_URL | string | URL and port to server the data |
FAVICON | string | File location of favicon |
Once running, you will be able to access the help page at the url specified in the .env file