Interactive visualization of the top 25 cryptocurrencies by market cap from 2013 – 2020. Check it out here.
Built with p5.js. Data scraped from using Python and Jupyter in Scraping.ipynb
Use the slider to jump and scrub between any point from 2013 to 2020. Use the dropdowns to adjust speed and smoothness: "Speed" means how quick a day progresses. "Smoothness" means how much small fluctuations of the price are smoothed out to have a less hectic visualization.
The "Scale break" button toggles a scale break in the bar chart that cuts off the bitcoin bar, because for most of the time it exceeds the rest by a huge margin. You can always get a full picture in the pie chart or toggle it off using the aforementioned button. The "Play/Pause" button pauses or resumes the animation.