This quick & simple web app establishes a connection between a sender and a receiver through a middleman server.
When a receiver connects to the sender (via the middleman), it generates an asymmetric key pair for RSA encryption. It then forwards the public key to the sender.
When the sender clicks the Send button, a 2048-bit AES key is generated by the sender. That key is used to encrypt the message. The AES key is then encrypted using the receiver's public RSA key.
Both the encrypted message and the RSA-encrypted AES key are then transmitted to the receiver, at which point the receiver uses its RSA private key to decrypt the AES key, and then in turn, decrypt the message.
This provides a convenient end-to-end encrypted method of sending simple text data between a sender and receiver.
As an added layer of security, 3 unique numbers are generated by the receiver so that the sender can verify that they are in fact sending to the expected recipient.