⚠️ This also lives at https://jonathandinu.com/writing/art-and-machine-learning/⚠️
These resources and tutorials are for anyone interested in using machine learning for creative uses. Whether you are an artist looking to augment your practice with machine learning or a ML engineer/researcher wanting to make creative applications.
- Machine Learning for Artists
- ITP @ NYU: Machine Learning for the Web
- ITP @ NYU: Introduction to Computational Media
- Kadenze: Creative Applications of Deep Learning with TensorFlow
- Kadenze: Generative Art and Computational Creativity
- CMU: Art and Machine Learning
- CMU: New Media Installation: Art that Learns
- Coding Train: Youtube Playlists
Here is a list of some common creative coding libraries (not including machine learning specific libraries).
- Processing (Java, p5.js, and processing.py)
- HTML/Javascript (canvas and two.js)
- 3D/WebGL (three.js, regl, stack.gl, Mathbox)
- Interactive & Installation (openFrameworks and Cinder)
- Audio (tone.js, Max, Pure Data, Overtone, ChucK, Sonic Pi)
- Text (spacy, natural, Tracery)
{{% alert warning center %}} Not sure where to start/what to use, try p5.js or processing.py 🙌 {{% /alert %}}
- PyTorch
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- Darknet
- dlib
- CNTK (with C# interface)
- scikit-learn
- Unity ML-Agents
- Various existing GANs (vegans)
- Hello, Colaboratory
- Overview of Colaboratory Features
- Importing Libraries
- External data: Drive, Sheets, and Cloud Storage
- Getting Started with BigQuery
- Tensorflow with GPU
- Charts in Colaboratory
- Markdown Guide
- MusicVAE
Here are some fun interactive embedding visualizations from Google's AI Experiments, hopefully they also give some intuition about high dimensional spaces and what embedding does to them:
Here are some examples/tutorials on creating generative, procedural, or algorithmic art/designs using code.
- Making Generative Art with Simple Mathematics
- https://medium.com/@zachlieberman/daily-sketches-in-2017-1b4234b0615d
- Mike Bostock: Visualizing Algorithms (with Eyeo talk)
- Generative Examples in Processing
- Book of Shaders: Generative Designs
- Programming Design Systems
- Generative Music
- Procedural Content Generation in Games
A non-exhaustive list of people doing interesting things at the intersection of art, ML, and design.