YTC (a Yaml Template Class example) is an yaml-cpp
example project.
The main goal of this project is to show a possible strategy to convert user data types using
This project build with following tools:
- C++ version:
- C++ compiler: Gcc, Clang and Apple Clang
- Source: multiple files
- Package manager: Conan
- Build system: CMake
- Libraries: STL,
- Code coverage report:
- Testing framework: Google Tests
- CI: GitHub Actions
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To build YTC you need the following requirements:
- A C++ compiler such as Gcc >= 7.0.0, Clang >= 5.0.0 or Apple Clang >= 10.0.0
- CMake 3.11 or later
- Conan decentralized package manager with a client-server architecture
To enable test coverage reports you need the following requirements:
For project dependencies list see conanfile.txt
bundled with this project.
If you're using Ubuntu, you can install the required packages this way:
sudo apt install gcc cmake build-essential
On macOS you most likely have a compiler so you'll need only cmake:
brew install cmake
Please note that specific versions of libraries and programs at the time of reading this guide may vary.
The following dependencies is recommended install using pip
They can be installed using pip as follows:
pip install -r requirements.txt
First you'll need clone the project and fetch its modules:
git clone
cd ytc
Then build project as follows:
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build
Tests expect YTC_TESTS_ROOT
environment variable to use fixtures. This
variable should point to the tests directory root. Set this variable and
run the tests as follows:
export YTC_TESTS_ROOT=$(pwd)/tests
cmake --build build --target check
Follow these steps:
- Configure with code coverage instrumentation enabled
- Build project
- Execute the tests to generate the coverage data
- Generate and customize reports as follows:
# Create lcov report
lcov --directory build --capture --output-file ./build/
# Filter out extra files
lcov \
--remove ./build/ \
'/usr/*' \
"${HOME}"'/.conan/*' \
'*/tests/*' \
--output-file ./build/
# Output coverage data for debugging (Optional)
lcov --list ./build/
# Create a directory to store HTML report
mkdir ./build/coverage
# Generate HTML report
genhtml ./build/ --output-directory ./build/coverage
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.