This machinepack contains 113 machines. What this means is that with this machine you can communicate with 113
Paystack endpoints
Communicate with the Paystack API to initialize transaction, create plans, etc.
$ npm install machinepack-paystack --save
// Initialize a transaction on your Paystack integration
const Paystack = require('machinepack-paystack')
apiKey: process.env.PAYSTACK_API_KEY,
email: '[email protected]',
amount: '20000'
}).exec(function (error, intializedTransaction) {
expects your Paystack secret for convenience to be in your environment as PAYSTACK_API_KEY
so the above can be written as:
// Initialize a transaction on your Paystack integration
const Paystack = require('machinepack-paystack')
email: '[email protected]',
amount: '20000'
}).exec(function (error, intializedTransaction) {
To run the test in this machine, rename env.example
to .env
then replace the content with your Paystack test API Key
Now run test simpley with:
npm test
Alternatively you can run tests by
- add-evidence
- add-products
- add-split-subaccount
- archive-invoice
- bulk-create-transfer-recipient
- charge
- charge-authorization
- check-authorization
- check-balance
- check-pending-charge
- check-slug-availability
- create-customer
- create-dedicated-accounts
- create-invoice
- create-page
- create-plan
- create-product
- create-refund
- create-split
- create-subaccount
- create-subscription
- create-transfer-recipient
- deactivate-authorization
- deactivate-dedicated-account
- delete-transfer-recipient
- disable-subscription
- disable-transfers-otp
- enable-subscription
- enable-transfers-otp
- export-disputes
- export-transactions
- fetch-balance-ledger
- fetch-bulk-charge-batch
- fetch-charges-in-a-batch
- fetch-customer
- fetch-dedicated-account
- fetch-dispute
- fetch-page
- fetch-payment-session-timeout
- fetch-plan
- fetch-product
- fetch-refund
- fetch-settlement-transactions
- fetch-settlements
- fetch-split
- fetch-subaccount
- fetch-subscription
- fetch-transaction
- fetch-transfer-recipient
- finalize-disable-otp
- finalize-invoice
- finalize-transfer
- get-upload-url
- initialize-transaction
- initiate-bulk-charge
- initiate-bulk-transfer
- initiate-transfer
- invoice-total
- list-banks
- list-bulk-charge-batches
- list-countries
- list-customers
- list-dedicated-accounts
- list-disputes
- list-invoices
- list-pages
- list-plans
- list-products
- list-providers
- list-refunds
- list-splits
- list-states
- list-subaccounts
- list-subscriptions
- list-transaction-disputes
- list-transactions
- list-transfer-recipients
- list-transfers
- partial-debit
- pause-bulk-charge-batch
- remove-subaccount-from-split
- resend-transfers-otp
- resolve-a-dispute
- resolve-account-number
- resolve-bvn-premium
- resolve-bvn-standard
- resolve-card-bin
- resume-bulk-charge-batch
- send-notification
- submit-address
- submit-birthday
- submit-otp
- submit-phone
- submit-pin
- transaction-totals
- update-customer
- update-dispute
- update-invoice
- update-page
- update-payment-session-timeout
- update-plan
- update-product
- update-split
- update-subaccount
- update-transfer-recipient
- validate-customer
- verify-bvn-match
- verify-invoice
- verify-transaction
- verify-transfer
- view-invoice
- view-transaction-timeline
- whitelist-or-blacklist-customer
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Omereshone Kelvin 🚇 |
haastrup elijah 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!