This repository contains dockerfiles, scripts and artifacts related to AMD MIGraphX inference library.
To get started use: scripts/ to build a docker image including a copy of MIGraphX. Next run the docker image in a container with rocm-migraphx mounted (to create and save artifacts).
In this repository are the following components:
scripts/ - build MIGraphX docker container - script that builds prereq components - script that builds a checked out edition of MIGraphX - script to run unit tests - create updated MIGraphX container with latest sources. - run predefined performance tests dockerfile/ - dockerfiles, generally used by the scripts test-results/ - directory where results of are placed saved-models/ - pointers and scripts to create saved ONNX and TF models torchvision - PyTorch torchvision suite -> ONNX cadene - PyTorch repository of saved models -> ONNX pytorch-examples - PyTorch examples for RNNs -> ONNX onnxruntime - Repository of ONNX runtime saved models slim - Tensorflow Slim models onnx-model-zoo - ONNX model zoo tools/ - tools used to create/save/run models, etc.