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Getting your History Files

Thomas edited this page Jan 17, 2023 · 12 revisions

When do I need to get the history files

Only when you specify UseProvidedHistory=True in the config. In this case its also necessary that you reset your workspace to the oldest possible state, described here

Why do I need to provide the history files?

The result of the compare command in terms of timeline is not correct. The result is ordered by creation date and not by date delivered. The history command however, which would be correct in terms of timeline, returns only 100 results.

These are the reasons why the user needs to provide these files for the migration.

How I get the complete component history?

  1. Open the to be migrated Stream in your Eclipse
  2. Right-Click a component and select Show --> History Illustration 1
  3. In your history preferences change the property "Entries to show" to an appropriate value (it is necessary that the complete history of the component will be shown) Illustration 2 Illustration 3
  4. Select all Entries and press "Copy URL" in the context menu
  5. Copy the links in a editor of your choice and remove everything except the uuid (marked green) of the changeset (use search and replace) Illustration 4
  6. Save file as History_YourComponentname_YourStreamName.txt and place it in the folder called "History"
  7. Repeat process for each component of your stream

Aww that sucks, cant just the programm do that for me?

Sadly, I didnt found a solution. In case you know how to collect this information somehow different, let me know.

(I tried getting it by cli, which has a limit of 100 and by java plain api using IScmRichClientRestService, which has a limit of 1024) There is a defect which hopefully solves this problem

Still want to try to do it automatically?

Some users (1) reported that it works just fine for them, collecting the changes automatically. Check out getRTCHistory for a small shell-script, which was contributed from a kindly user

Alternatively you can try to the following script: