- Create and set up a template project
- Set up the configuration from file and environment variables
- Middleware for logging requests
- Middleware for adding and getting cards for user
- Store data in memory
- Card model:
- Id
- Pan (card number)
- Expire (expiration date)
- Month
- Year
- Name (card name, user-defined)
- IsDefault (whether the card is default payment card)
- UserId
dotnet run --launch-profile "Development"
dotnet run --launch-profile "Staging"
dotnet run --no-launch-profile
- Added controllers for:
- adding a card
- deleting a card
- getting a card or cards
- changing card's name
- Configured swagger
- Added filters for logging requests and responses which hides card's secret data:
- only 4 last digits of the pan is shown
- CVC is hidden completely
- Added validation in one base model:
- Luhn algorithm
- card expiration date
- during adding (including exceptions)
- Added
- Entity Framework (EF) Core
- PostgreSQL DB
- Repository pattern for interaction with DB
- Removed
- In-memory data
- Added controller for Operations
- Get (CardId param is optional)
- /operation?cardId
{ "cardId": "d29f2fb4-409c-40b0-ad1e-4baa1758ea8e", "name": "operation02", "amount": 2 }
- Add operation with default card (Default card should exist)
- /operation
{ "name": "operation02", "amount": 2 }
- Add operation with cardId. CardId should exist
- Post /operation
{ "cardId": "d29f2fb4-409c-40b0-ad1e-4baa1758ea8e", "name": "operation02", "amount": 2 }
- Add operation with new card
- Post /operation
{ "name": "operation01", "amount": 1, "card": { "pan": "4929722798964846", "expire": { "Month": 1, "Year": 2022 }, "cvc": "132" } }
- Get (CardId param is optional)
- The application was created taking into account 12 factors
- Added
- Created a new service of operations
- Operations API has been moved to a new service
- When carrying out an operation using new details, an asynchronous message is sent about the creation of a new card (the card Id is generated in the operation service).
- RabbitMQ message broker
- EasyNetQ library
- When carrying out an operation by card Id, the default card is requested synchronously
- The default card for transactions is requested synchronously
- For HTTP communication between map services and operations, a policy has been configured using the Polly library for:
- Retry
- Circuit Breaker
Name | Password | AccessToken |
Admin | 1234 | qwerty |
Number | ObjectName | ResourceConnection |
1 | card | {card-service} /card |
2 | operation | {operation-service} /operation |
# | {card-service} |
{operation-service} |
debug | https://localhost:44333 | https://localhost:44395 |
IIS | http://localhost/cardDataService | http://localhost/operationDataService |
docker | http://card-service | http://operation-service |
Id | Cvc | Pan | Name | IsDefault | UserId | ExpirationDate |
d29f2fb4-409c-40b0-ad1e-4baa1758ea8e | 001 | 4360251111335365 | card01 | ✔️ | 65ebe5d1-a883-46e2-805a-4c2d44eab438 | 12/2099 |
57d92bd8-413e-4377-8de2-f69d57ece143 | 002 | 4024007173305771 | card02 | ❌ | 65ebe5d1-a883-46e2-805a-4c2d44eab438 | 06/2026 |
e0c6d6a1-5386-4690-9d63-23964e4be74f | 003 | 2720473437781424 | card03 | ✔️ | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa | 05/2025 |
Id | CardId | Name | Amount |
48310dbe-a8b8-47b0-a21f-3180f656ce35 | d29f2fb4-409c-40b0-ad1e-4baa1758ea8e | Petrol | 1200 |
29d9170f-f06b-4c6f-ae9a-7f427517f171 | 57d92bd8-413e-4377-8de2-f69d57ece143 | Products | 2500 |
86fe5988-d76f-45ae-aefa-fe2dfd7e0e49 | e0c6d6a1-5386-4690-9d63-23964e4be74f | Phone | 37000 |