- Recent version of zsh
- ViM
- minimal mise file that makes it work with nvm etc...
- various useful zsh crap for working with stuff on macos
- tmux
- VS Code
- alacritty (fast, gl based terminal)
- Terminal.app profile (MacOS terminal, more stable than alacritty)
- homebrew a package manager for macOS
- sheldon a package manager for zsh (
brew install sheldon
) - mise a thing to replace nvm, rvm, etc. (
brew install mise
) - tpm a package manager for tmux (
brew install tpm
) - fzf fuzzy matcher for anything (
brew install fzf
git clone https://github.com/radiosilence/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
NOTE: Only symlinks .hidden files
cp /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/Resources/Fonts/*.otf ~/Library/Fonts/