Python package versioning made simple
NOTE: this is a fork of the original rocktavious/pyversion. This version has been upgraded to support python3.x
Feeling impatient? I like your style.
In your file
setup_requires = ['pyversion'],
auto_version = True,
On the command line
python increment tag register sdist upload
If you are also using the openstack PBR package pyversion supports this as well just modify your file
setup_requires = [
pbr = True,
auto_version = "PBR",
Download and install using pip install pyversion
The package also comes with a cli command that can be used to determine what the current version the package sees for your package
>>> pyversion <name of your package>
To develop on this project, please take a fork of then and submit a pull requeest once changes are ready.
This package makes of of pipenv for installing and dependency maintainence. If publishing to pypi, rememeber to update requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt as follows:
pipenv install --dev -ignore-pipfile > requirements.txt pipenv lock --requirements > requirements.txt
Also remember to run tox in the base directory to run black, linter and other tests.
You can also run tox to perform black formatting, linting and testing. To test build and upload to use: tox -e testrelease
To build and upload to production use: tox -e release will release to pypi a new version
Travis is in use for CI, so you can also run: travis-lint .travis.yml
Or use the below to manully upload: python sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/*