Test1 : Static html files -> static and animated charts.
Test2 : (Not posted. Required two buttons to inject a script into a template D3/html page, because of non-blocking page load.)
Test3 : Uses TWebBrowserWrapper. Injects scripts into template page. Transfers data from Delphi to js.
Demonstration 1 : https://youtu.be/pPhYZ9wAvbE
Demonstration 2 : https://youtu.be/TjKuMoU2kBg
CEF4Delphi (Chromium) : https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi
Wke4Delphi (Webkit) : https://github.com/pmcgee69/Wke4Delphi
D3 Graph Gallery : https://www.d3-graph-gallery.com/index.html
Carbon syntax highlighter : https://carbon.now.sh/
Looking into 'Gears' demos
Epicyclic gearing : http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/1353700/190ad80b4eb9c5e6daa7d4f210d263cbfb6db675
Gear toy : https://brm.io/gears-d3-js/
Look at ScriptGate and other Delphi/js interfacing options.
Check out Flourish
Embarcadero list of options : https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/six-easy-ways-to-embed-javascript-engines-in-your-delphi-10-2-tokyo-apps
ScriptGate walk-through : https://medium.com/@Zawuza/build-your-first-hybrid-desktop-application-with-delphi-scriptgate-bootstrap-and-js-df530a73160
ChakraCore : https://www.ideasawakened.com/post/delphi-javascript-execution-ditch-twebbrowser-for-chakracore
01 Mar 2020: Delphi IDE places .exe 2 levels down from source files. Check directory references for running outside the IDE.
18 Mar 2020: Tidied up the directories/files. Added Carbon syntax-highlighting examples (will not work with TWebBrowser).
19 Mar 2020: Add Common directory. Update Readme with Markdown.