3.0.0 (2024-02-13)
Bug Fixes
Add authBearer() method on RequestBuilder (b0b862a )
Add missing ArrayObject import (e3a19fe )
Add semantic release config and github action (649ca8b )
Add support for monolog 3.x (9bc372a )
Add support for phpunit10 (267f986 )
Allow additional token parameters of every type (cfa8901 )
Allow all types as json data (97952ef )
Allow body as callback in mocked requests (0a422f3 )
Allow doctrine/dbal 3.x (3e65eb1 )
Allow nested arrays of UploadedFiles for RequestBuilder::file() (fead0be )
Allow thecodingmachine/safe >= 2.0 (b37984b )
Apply options to application tester (ddf9045 )
Create correct snapshot file names in repetitions (d457616 )
Encode uri and query parameters (86e1397 )
Fix detection and cleanup of autogenerated json-ld identifiers (422f2d5 )
Fix phpunit 9.x compatibility (2bfc9b6 )
Fix wrong CommandTrait namespace (4fb9d9d )
Fix wrong import (bd7129f )
Show reason of all internal errors in unit test output (7e423b4 )
Support query parameters without value (d0b1a4d )
Update coding standard (5e9e1d1 )
Upgrade code style (92ce8c4 )
Upgrade to phpunit 10, remove prophecy (a235768 )
Use version based tag name (8bd427b )
Add application tester (6fe3e2a )
Add assertZipHasFileWithCrc() assertion for zip files (cddeec6 )
Add generateCsrfToken() for generating csrf tokens in request builder (62d1e92 )
Add json-ld support (8c8be60 )
Add more robust checking for missing Http Client Mock Requests (574f12e )
Add named snapshots (54404ef )
Add possibility to skip snapshot tests via SKIP_SNAPSHOT_TESTS env variable (7982686 )
Add session handling in request builder (8157191 )
Add that() for mock request builder (9c8a180 )
Add uuid trait (8983f53 )
Allow disable create snapshots (0e7fb7b )
Allow multiple responses in mock request builder (431728a )
Allow specifying authentication header directly (05151e4 )
Allow URI matching with callback (7fd980d )
Provide mock response data as json (fc969bc )
Support basic authentication (5db20f5 )
Support dama/doctrine-test-bundle in schema tests (13a51a2 )
Support HTML snapshots (fef1620 )
Support mysql based schema tests (6afc0ff )
Support sqlite file based schema tests (754afd7 )
Response handling in MockRequestBuilder has been changed
hasException(), use hasResponse()
getException(), use nextResponse()
resetException(), use resetResponses()
hasResponseBuilder(), use hasResponse()
getResponseBuilder(), use nextResponse()
resetResponseBuilder(), use resetResponses()
willThrow() takes a throwable object as argument, instead of throwable classname and message
willRespond(), willThrow() add responses to the stack instead of setting one response
willAlwaysRespond() sets a single response that is always returned, not combinable with willRespond() and willThrow()
Class NoMatchingMockRequestHandler and method expectNoMismatchingMockRequestsInLog() has been removed, use registerNoMatchingMockRequestAsserts()
Namespace Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Command was renamed to to Brainbits\FunctionalTestHelpers\Console, change your imports accordingly.
You can’t perform that action at this time.