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Opsani ServoX

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This repository contains the source code of the Opsani Servo agent.

The servo connects applications to the Opsani cloud optimization engine to identify cost savings and performance enhancements by applying machine learning technology. Servos are lightweight Python applications and are typically deployed as a container under an orchestration layer such as Kubernetes, ECS, or Docker Compose.

Servos are composed of connectors, which provide the core functionality for integrating with metrics, orchestration, and load generation systems/utilities. The ServoX codebase provides core functionality shared by all servos and a rich library supporting the development of connectors.

Quick Start

ServoX is a modern Python application distributed as an installable Python package. Development is done in a Python install managed with Pyenv and a virtual environment managed by Poetry. This is the path of least resistance but any Python package management system should work.

  • Clone the repo: git clone [email protected]:opsani/servox
  • Install required Python: cd servox && pyenv install
  • Install Poetry: curl -sSL | python
  • Link Poetry with pyenv version: poetry env use `cat .python-version`
  • Install dependencies: poetry install
  • Activate the venv: poetry shell
  • Initialize your environment: servo init
  • Start interacting with the servo: servo --help


Getting Started with Opsani

Access to an Opsani optimizer is required to deploy the servo and run the end to end integration tests. If you do not currently have access to an Opsani environment but are otherwise interested in working with the optimizer and Servo, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will get back with you.


Displaying Help

servo --help

Initializing an Assembly

NOTE: A Dotenv file is recommended during development to keep the CLI options under control. The init command will generate one for you.

servo init


# Generate a config file with all available connectorsservo generate

# Validate a config fileservo validate

# Display config schemaservo schema

Displaying Info

# Display all available connectorsservo connectors

# Display instance specific info (requires configuration)servo show connectorsservo show eventsservo show componentsservo show metrics

Running Operations

# Check servo readinessservo run --dry-run

# Describe application stateservo describe

# Capture and display a measurementservo measure

# Adjust the memory of web-server to 512MB and cpu of gateway to 800 millicoresservo adjust web.mem=512 gateway.cpu=0.8

# Run the servo to start optimizingservo run


ServoX has been designed to provide a delightful experience for engineers integrating cloud optimization into their systems and workflow. Developer ergonomics and operator efficiency are primary concerns as integrating and orchestrating disparate components can quickly become tiresome and complex. As a library, ServoX aspires to be as "batteries included" as possible and support developers with well designed, implemented, and tested solutions for common concerns. As a tool, ServoX strives to support system operators and devops engineers with strong support for common tasks and a high-velocity workflow.

There are a few key components that form the foundation of the architecture:

  • Connectors - Connectors are pluggable components that enable the servo to interact with external systems such as metrics providers (Prometheus, Datadog, New Relic, etc), orchestration technologies (Kubernetes, cloud provider APIs, etc), or load generators. Every major functional component (including the servo itself) is a connector that inherits from the Connector base class. Connectors can process events dispatched from the servo (see Events below), provide services to the user (see CLI below), and interact with other connectors.
  • Servo - The Servo class models the active set of connectors and configuration that is executing. The servo handles connectivity with the Opsani Optimizer API (see Optimizer below) and is responsible for the primary concerns of connectivity management and event handling.
  • Configuration - Configuration is a major shared concern in tools such as Opsani that are designed to integrate with arbitrary systems. Ensuring that configuration is valid, complete, and functional is a non-trivial task for any component with more than a few knobs and levers. ServoX provides a rich configuration subsystem built on Pydantic that makes modeling and processing configuration very straightforward. Out of the box support is provided for common needs such as environment variables and dotenv files. Configuration is strongly validated using JSON Schema and support is provided for generating config files directly from the connectors.
  • Optimizer - The Optimizer class represents an Opsani optimization engine that the servo interacts with via an API. The optimizer can be configured via config file or from the environment; both of these support Kubernetes secrets.
  • Events - The Event subsystem provides the primary interaction point between the Servo and Connectors in a loosely coupled manner. Events are simple string values that have connector defined semantics and can optionally return a result. The Servo base class defines the primary events of DESCRIBE, MEASURE, ADJUST, and PROMOTE which correspond to declaring the metrics & components that the connector is interested in, taking measurements and returning aggregated scalar or time series data points, making changes to the application under optimization, or promoting an optimized configuration to the broader system.
  • Checks - Checks provide a mechanism for verifying the correctness and health of connector configuration and operations. They are designed to support a high throughput integration and debugging experience by providing feedback loop driven workflow. Checks are implemented on top of the events subsystem and can be executed alongside an actual run via the servo run --check CLI command, or by themselves via servo run --dry-run The design of the checks subsystem is covered in depth in the docs.
  • Assembly - The Servo Assembly models the runtime environment of the servo outside of a particular configuration. The assembly is the parent of the servo and is responsible for "assembling" it by instantiating connectors as configured by the operator. Connectors can be used multiple times (e.g. you may want to connect to multiple discrete Prometheus services) or may not be used at all (e.g. you have a New Relic connector in the container image but aren't using it).
  • CLI - The CLI provides the primary interface for interacting with the servo. The CLI is modular and contains a number of root level commands and connectors can optionally register additional commands. Most of the root level commands are driven through the event subsystem and connectors which respond to the relevant events will automatically become accessible through the CLI. For example, executing servo schema will emit a complete JSON Schema document for the assembly while servo schema kubernetes will emit a JSON Schema specific to the Kubernetes connector.

Understanding Events

The servo is built around an event driven architecture and utilizes a lightweight eventing system to pass messages between connectors. Eventing is implemented in asynchronous Python on top of asyncio. Events are simple strings identifiers that are bound to a Python inspect.Signature object. The signature is used when event handlers are registered to enforce a contract around the parameter and return types, method arity, etc.

Any connector can define an event provided that no other connector has already registered an event with the desired name. The Servo class defines several basic events covering essential functionality such as declaring metrics and components, capturing measurements, and performing adjustments. These events are integrated into the CLI and readily accessible. For example, executing servo show metrics dispatches the metrics event to all active connectors and displays the aggregate results in a table. More substantial commands such as measure and adjust work in the same manner -- dispatching events and visualizing the results. Whenever possible functionality is implemented via eventing.

When the servo is run, it connects to the Opsani optimizer via the API and receives instructions about which actions to take to facilitate the optimization activity. These commands are dispatched to the connectors via events.

The default events are available on the servo.servo.Events enumeration and include:

Event Category Description
startup Lifecycle Dispatched when the servo is assembled.
shutdown Lifecycle Dispatched when the servo is being shutdown.
metrics Informational Dispatched to gather the metrics being measured.
components Informational Dispatched to gather the components & settings available for adjustment.
check Operational Asks connectors to check if they are ready to run by validating settings, etc.
describe Operational Gathers the current state of the application under optimization.
measure Operational Takes a measurement of target metrics and reports them to the optimizer.
adjust Operational Applies a change to the components/settings of the application under optimization and reports status to the optimizer.

Event Handlers & Prepositions

Event handlers are easily registered via a set of method decorators available on the servo.connector module. Handlers are registered with a preposition which determines if it is invoked before, on, or after the event has been processed. Handlers are invoked when the servo or another connector dispatches an event. Event handlers can be implemented either synchronously or asynchronously depending on if the method is a coroutine declared with the async prefix.

from typing import List
import servo

class SomeConnector(servo.BaseConnector):
    def notify_before_measure(self) -> None:"We are about to measure...")

    def metrics(self) -> List[servo.Metric]:
        return [servo.Metric('throughput', servo.Unit.REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE)]

    def analyze_results(self, results: List[servo.EventResult]) -> None:"We got some results: {results}")

Each preposition has different capabilities available to it. Before event handlers can cancel the execution of the event by raising a EventCancelledError. On event handlers can return results that are aggregated and available for processing. After event handlers get access to all of the results returned by active connectors via the on event handlers.

Creating a new Event

Events can be created either programmatically via the Connector.create_event() class method or declaratively via the event() decorator:

import servo

class EventExample(servo.BaseConnector):
    async def trace(self, url: str) -> str:

The event decorator uses the parameters and return type of the decorated method to define the signature requirements for on event handlers registered against the event. The body of the decorated method must be ..., pass, or an async generator that yields None exactly once.

The body of the decorated method can be used to define setup and tear-down activities around on event handlers. This allows for common setup and tear-down functionality to be defined by the event creator. This is achieved by implementing the body of the decorated method as an async generator that yields control to the on event handler:

from typing import AsyncIterator
import servo

class SetupAndTearDownExample(servo.BaseConnector):
    async def trace(self, url: str) -> AsyncIterator[str]:
        print("Entering event handler...")
        print("Exited event handler.")

The event decorator can also be used to create an event and register a handler for the event at the same time. In this example, the handler=True keyword argument is provided to created the event and register the decorated method as an on event handler for the new event.

import servo

class AnotherConnector(servo.BaseConnector):
    @servo.event('load_test', handler=True)
    async def run_load_test(self, url: str, duration: int = 60) -> str:
        return "Do something..."

Once an event is created, the connector can dispatch against it to notify other connectors of changes in state or to request data from them.

Dispatching an Event

Connectors can notify or interact with other connectors by dispatching an event. When the servo is assembled, an event bus is transparently established between the connectors to facilitate event driven interaction.

from typing import List
import servo

class ExampleConnector(servo.BaseConnector):
    async def do_something(self) -> None:
        # Gather metrics from other connectors
        results: List[servo.EventResult] = await self.dispatch_event("metrics")
        for result in results:
            print(f"Gathered metrics: {result.value}")

Environment Variables & Dotenv

Pay attention to the output of servo --help and servo schema to identify environment variables that can be used for configuration. The servo handles configuration of deeply nested attributes by building the environment variable mapping on the fly at assembly time.

For convenience, the servo CLI utility automatically supports .env files for loading configuration and is already in the .gitignore. Interacting with the CLI is much cleaner if you drop in a dotenv file to avoid having to deal with the options to configure the optimizer. The servo init command will help set this up interactively.


The servo base library provides logging services for all connectors and core components. By default, the servo CLI utility runs at the INFO log level which is designed to provide balanced output that informs you of what is happening operationally without becoming overwhelming and pedantic. During development, debugging, or troubleshooting it may become desirable to run at an elevated log level. The log level can be set via a commandline option on the servo utility or via the SERVO_LOG_LEVEL environment variable. The servo will emit ANSI colored output to stderr when the terminal is a TTY. Coloring can be suppressed via the --no-color commandline option or with the SERVO_NO_COLOR or NO_COLOR environment variables.

                                  Set the log level  [env var:
                                  SERVO_LOG_LEVEL; default: INFO]
  --no-color                      Disable colored output  [env var:
                                  SERVO_NO_COLOR, NO_COLOR]

By default, log messages are written to stderr and a file sink at the logs/ subdirectory relative to the servo root. Backtraces are preformatted and as much context as possible is provided when an exception is logged.

The servo.logging module exposes some interesting functionality for operators and developers alike. Logging is aware of the eventing subsystem and will automatically attribute log messages to the currently executing connector and event context. Long running operations can be automatically reported to the Opsani API by including a progress key with a numeric percentage value ranging from 0.0 to 100.0. There are several function decorators available that can provide automatic logging output for entry and exit, execution timing, etc.

Dependent libraries such as backoff have been configured to emit their logs into the servo logging module. Every component that has logging support is intercepted and handled by the logging subsystem and conforms to the log levels outlined above.

Connector Discovery

Connectors are set up to be auto-discovered using the setuptools entry point functionality available from the Python standard library. When a new connector is installed into the assembly, it will be automatically discovered and become available for interaction.

The specific of how this mechanism works is discussed in detail on the Python Packaging Guide.

The bundled connectors are registered and discovered using this mechanism via entries in the pyproject.toml file under the [tool.poetry.plugins."servo.connectors"] stanza.

If you're writing your own connector in an external package, you need to include

"my_connector" = ""

in your pyproject.toml to add your connector as an entry point. and you must name your connector class MyConnector(servo.BaseConnector): to have it discoverable. Discovery is performed via the servo.connector:_name_for_connector_class() function. It matches the My in the connector class name to the top level connector key in the servo.yaml. So, for example, your servo.yaml could be as follows:

  foo: bar
  baz: bat

Running Multiple Connector Instances

ServoX is designed to support assemblies that contain an arbitrary number of connectors that may or may not be active and enable the use of multiple instances of a connector with different settings. This introduces a few modes of configuration.

The servo looks to a connectors configuration key that explicitly declares which connectors are active within the assembly. If a connectors key is not present in the config file, then all available connectors become optionally available based on the presence or absence of their default configuration key. For example, an assembly that includes New Relic, Datadog, and SignalFX connectors installed as Python packages with the following configuration would only activate Datadog due to the presence of its configuration stanza:

  setting_1: some value
  setting_2: another value

This mode supports the general case of utilizing a small number of connectors in "off the shelf" configurations.

From time to time, it may become necessary to connect to multiple instances of a given service -- we have seen this a few times with Prometheus in canary mode deployments where metrics are scattered across a few instances. In these cases, it can become necessary to explicitly alias a connector and utilize it under two or more configurations. In such cases, the connectors key becomes required in order to disambiguate aliases from configuration errors. In such cases, the connectors key can be configured as a dictionary where the key identifies the alias and the value identifies the connector:

  prom1: prometheus
  prom2: prometheus

  setting_1: some value
  setting_2: another value

  setting_1: some value
  setting_2: another value

It is also possible to utilize the connectors key in order to exclude connectors from the active set. This can be done with the dictionary syntax referenced above or using an array syntax if aliasing is not being utilized. For example, given a configuration with New Relic and Prometheus active but some sort of issue warranting the isolation of Prometheus from the active set, the config file might be configured like:

  - new_relic

  setting_1: some value
  setting_2: another value

  setting_1: some value
  setting_2: another value

These configurations can be generated for you by providing arguments to servo generate. A space delimited list of connector names will explicitly populate the connectors key and a syntax of alias:connector will configure aliases:

servo generate foo:vegeta bar:kubernetes
  description: Update the namespace, deployment, etc. to match your Kubernetes cluster
  namespace: default
  bar: kubernetes
  foo: vegeta
  description: Update the rate and target/targets to match your load profile
  duration: 5m
  rate: 50/1s

Generated servo.yaml

Running Multiple Servos

ServoX is capable of running multiple servos within the same assembly and servos can be added and removed dynamically at runtime. This is useful for optimizing several applications at one time from a single servo deployment to simplify operations or more interestingly to support the integration and automation of optimization into CI and CD pipelines. For example, it is possible to configure the build system to trigger optimization for apps as they head into staging or upon emergence into production.

Multi-servo execution mode is straightforward. When the servo.yaml config file is found to contain multiple documents (delimited by ---), a servo instance is constructed for each entry in the file and added to the assembly. There are however a few differences in configuration options.

When multi-servo mode is enabled, the --optimizer, --token, --token-file, --base-url, and --url options are unavailable. The optimizer and connectivity configuration must be provided via the optimizer stanza within each configuration document in the config file. The CLI will raise errors if these options are utilized with a multi-servo configuration because they are ambiguous. This does not preclude a single servo being promoted into a multi-servo configuration at runtime -- it is a configuration resolution concern.

When running multi-servo, logging is changed to provide context about the servo that is active and generating the output. The servo.current_servo() method returns the active servo at runtime.

Because ServoX is based on asyncio and functions as an orchestrator, it is capable of managing a large number of optimizations in parallel (we have tested into the thousands). Most operations performed are I/O bound and asynchronous but the specifics of the connectors used in a multi-servo configuration will have a significant impact on the upper bounds of concurrency.

Configuring Multi-servo Mode

Basically all that you need to do is use the --- delimiter to create multiple documents within the servo.yaml file and configure an optimizer within each one. For example:

  token: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
connectors: [vegeta]
  duration: 5m
  rate: 50/1s
  target: GET
  token: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
connectors: [vegeta]
  duration: 5m
  rate: 50/1s
  target: GET

Adding & Removing Servos at Runtime

Servos can be added and removed from the assembly at runtime via methods on the servo.Assembly class:

import servo

assembly = servo.current_assembly()
new_servo = servo.Servo()

Extending the CLI

Should your connector wish to expose additional commands to the CLI, it can do so via the ConnectorCLI class. Instances are automatically registred with the CLI and the Context is configured appropriately when commands are invoked. All CLI extensions are namespaced as subcommands to keep things tidy and avoid naming conflicts.

A simple example of a CLI extension that will register servo vegeta attack is:

import servo
import servo.cli
import servo.connectors.vegeta

cli = servo.cli.ConnectorCLI(servo.connectors.vegeta.VegetaConnector, help="Load testing with Vegeta")

def attack(context: servo.cli.Context):
    Run an adhoc load generation

Requirements & Dependencies

ServoX is implemented in Python and supported by a handful of excellent libraries from the Python Open Source community. Additional dependencies in the form of Python packages or system utilities are imposed by connectors (see below).

  • Python 3.6+ - ServoX makes liberal use of type hints to annotate the code and drive some functionality.
  • Pydantic - Pydantic is a fantastic parsing and validation library that underlies most classes within ServoX. It enables the strong modeling and validation that forms the core of the configuration module.
  • Typer - Typer provides a nice, lightweight enhancement on top of Click for building CLIs in Python. The CLI is built out on top of Typer.
  • httpx - httpx is a (mostly) requests compatible HTTP library that provides support for HTTP/2, is type annotated, has extensive test coverage, and supports async interactions on top of asyncio.
  • loguru - A rich Python logging library that builds on the foundation of the standard library logging module and provides a number of enhancements.


Contributing to ServoX

Open Source contributions are always appreciated. Should you wish to get involved, drop us a line via GitHub issues or email to coordinate efforts.

It is expected that most Open Source contributions will come in the form of new connectors. Should you wish to develop a connector, reach out to us at Opsani as we have connector developer guides that are in pre-release while ServoX matures.

Visual Studio Code

The core development team typically works in VSCode. Poetry and VSCode have not quite yet become seamlessly integrated. For your convenience, there are a couple of Makefile tasks that can simplify configuration:

  • make init - Initialize a Poetry environment, configure .vscode/settings.json, and then run the `servo initialize command.
  • make vscode - Export the Poetry environment variables and then open the local working copy within VSCode. The built-in terminal and Python extension should auto-detect the Poetry environment and behave.

Pre-commit Hook

The project is configured with a pre-commit hook to enforce as much of the coding standards and style guide as possible. To install it into your working copy, run:

poetry run pre-commit install

Developing with Local Packages

When developing against dependencies or building out new connectors, it can be useful to utilize a local package so that development can be done in the dependency and within the servox package at the same time.

To do so, utilize Poetry Path based dependencies with the develop = true flag by adding a path reference to the package into the to stanza of the pyproject.toml file, and then run poetry update [dependency name].

For example, if developing on servox and the statesman state machine library in a working copy in the parent directory, you would add:

# ...
statesman = {path = "../statesman", develop = true}

And then run poetry update statesman.

Changes made to the dependency are immediately visible to servox, making it easy to develop across package boundaries efficiently.

Linting and Formatting

The project is structured to support and enforce consistent, idiomatic code. A number of tools have been integrated to provide linting and automatic reformatting when possible/appropriate.

This functionality is exposed via tasks in the Makefile, Git commit hooks, and GitHub Actions.

During local development, you may wish to invoke these tools as follows:

  • make lint - Run the linters and output actionable feedback for conformance with the engineering standards and style of the project.
  • make format - Automatically apply changes to the working copy to conform with project standards where possible (e.g., reformatting imports).
  • make pre-commit - Run all pre-commit hooks in the manual hook stage. There are a number of standards that are currently soft enforced in the interest of pragmatism. Eventually the set of pre-commit and lint checks will form a perfect union but we are not there yet. Most hooks set in manual mode have to do with fit and finish concerns such as docstring tone/formatting.
  • make test - Execute the test suite and generate a code coverage report.

Linting is automatically performed when a new branch is pushed or a PR is opened and conformance can be remediated during post-implementation code review.

Connecting to Optimization APIs

Optimizer API and authentication can configured be inline with your config yaml (servo.yaml)

  base_url: some_url
  id: org.domain/app

These details can also be configured via environment variables as highlighted in the following sections. Note these sections are mutually exclusive: Opsani API refers to Opsani managed endpoints wheras the Appdynamics API refers to upcoming FSO Optimization. Which API type is used is dynamically derived during configuration/env var parsing by the pydantic configuration model (see BaseServoConfiguration.optimizer).

Opsani API

By default, the servo will connect to the primary Opsani API hosted on This behavior can be overridden via CLI options and environment variables:

Config Option Environment Variable Description Example
optimizer.base-url OPSANI_BASE_URL Sets an alternate base URL. The path is computed using the provided optimizer id. Useful for staging deployments and integration tests. OPSANI_BASE_URL= servo run
optimizer.url OPSANI_URL Sets an explicit URL target. When given, the base URL is ignored and paths are not computed. Useful in unit tests and workstation development with a partial server stack. OPSANI_URL=http://localhost:1234 servo run OPSANI_ID Identifier of the application as provided by the Opsani optimizer provisioned for your application servo run
optimizer.token OPSANI_TOKEN Authentication token as provided by the Opsani optimizer provisioned for your application OPSANI_TOKEN=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 servo run

AppDynamics API

Config Option Environment Variable Description Example
optimizer.base-url APPD_BASE_URL Sets an alternate base URL. The path is computed using the provided workload and tenant ids. APPD_BASE_URL= servo run
optimizer.url APPD_URL Sets an explicit URL target. When given, the base URL is ignored and paths are not computed. Useful in unit tests and workstation development with a partial server stack. APPD_URL=http://localhost:1234 servo run
optimizer.tenant_id APPD_TENANT_ID Identifier of the application tenant APPD_TENANT_ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 servo run
optimizer.optimizer_id APPD_OPTIMIZER_ID Base64 encoded identifier of the workload to be optimized as provided by the provisioned optimizer tenant APPD_OPTIMIZER_ID=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==== servo run
optimizer.client_id APPD_CLIENT_ID Authentication client ID as provided by the Opsani optimizer provisioned for your application APPD_CLIENT_ID=<client id text> servo run
optimizer.client_secret APPD_CLIENT_SECRET Authentication client secret as provided by the Opsani optimizer provisioned for your application APPD_CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret text> servo run

Docker & Compose

Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml configurations are available in the repository and have been designed to support both development and deployment workflows. Configuration file mounts and environment variables can be used to influence the behavior of the servo within the container.

The SERVO_ENV build argument controls the target environment for the built image. Building with SERVO_ENV=production excludes development packages from the image to reduce size and build time.

Pre-built Docker images are available on opsani/servox on Docker Hub. The documentation for these images is available within this repository at docs/

The latest release version is available under the opsani/servox:latest tag. The main development branch is published as the opsani/servox:edge tag.

Docker images are built and published to Docker Hub via the Docker GitHub Actions Workflow. The workflow builds branches, published releases, and the main integration branch. Pull Requests are not published to Docker Hub because as a publicly available repository it could become an attack vector.

Git branches and Docker images have differing naming constraints that impact how tag names are computed. For example, Docker tags cannot contain slashes, which is a common practice for namespacing branches and tags in Git. As such, slashes are converted to hyphens when computing tag names for branches and tags. The full naming constraints on Docker image tags is covered in the docker tag documentation.

Pre-built images are built using BuildKit and can be used as the basis for very fast customized builds:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t servox --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --cache-from opsani/servox:edge .

Switching Python Interpreters

After changing Python interpreter versions you may find that you are "stuck" in the existing virtual environment rather than your new desired version.

The problem is that Poetry is linked against the previous environment and needs a nudge to select the new interpreter.

The project is bound to a local Python version via the .python-version file. Tell Poetry to bind against the locally selected environment via: poetry env use `cat .python-version`

When upgrading between point releases of the Python interpreter, you may need to tear down and recreate your venv: poetry env remove `cat .python-version` && poetry install


Tests are implemented using pytest and live in the tests subdirectory. Tests can be executed directly via the pytest CLI interface (e.g., pytest tests) or via make test, which will also compute coverage details.

ServoX is developed with a heavily test-driven workflow and philosophy. The framework strives to provide as much support for robust testing as possible and make things that you would think are very hard to test programmatically very simple. You will want to familiarize yourself with what is available, there are tools that can dramatically accelerate your development.

Test Types

ServoX divides the test suite into three types: Unit, Integration, and System tests.

Tests are identified within the suite in two ways:

  1. Use of pytest markers to annotate the tests in code.
  2. File location within the tests/ subdirectory.

Unit tests are the default type and make up the bulk of the suite. They either exercise code that carries no outside dependencies or utilize isolation techniques such as mocks and fakes. They are fast and highly effective for validating defined behavior and catching regressions.

Integration tests do not interact with an Opsani Optimizer but do interact with external systems and services such as Kubernetes and Prometheus. It is common to utilize a local environment (such as Docker, Compose, kind, or Minikube) or a dedicated cloud instance to host the services to interact with. But the focus of the tests are on implementing and verifying the correct behaviors in a supportive environment.

System tests are much like integration tests except that theyn are highly prescriptive about the environment they are runnuing in and interact with a real optimizer backend as much as is practical. System tests sit at the top of the pyramid and it is expected that there are comparatively few of them, buit they deliver immense value late in a development cycle when code correctness has been established and deployment environments and compatibility concerns come to the forefront.

All test types can be implemented within any test module as appropriate by annotating the tests with pytest markers:

import pytest

class TestSomething:

Tests without a type mark are implicitly designated as unit tests for convenience. When multiple type marks are in effect due to hierarchy, the closest mark to the test node has precedence.

There are also dedicated directories for integration and system tests at tests/integration and tests/system respectively. These dedicated directories are home to cross cutting concerns and scenarios that do not clearly belong to a specific module. Tests in these directories that are marked with other types will trigger an error.

Running Tests

A key part of any testing workflow is, well, running tests. pytest provides a wealth of capabilities out of the box and these have been further augmented with custom pytest-plugins within the suite.

Let's start with the basics: executing pytest standalone will execute the unit tests in tests. Running pytest --verbose (or -v) will provide a one test per line output which can be easier to follow in slower runs.

Individual files can be run by targetting them by name: pytest tests/ Individual test functions and container test classes within the file (known as nodes in pytest parlance) can be addressed with the tests/path/to/ syntax.

Tests can also be flexibly selected by marks and naming patterns. Invoking pytest -m asyncio -k sleep will select all tests with the asyncio mark and have the word "sleep" in their name. These arguments support a matching syntax, look into the pytest docs for details.

The ServoX test types have specific affordances exposed through pytest. Running pytest -T integration will select and run all integration tests, but deselect all other types. The -T also known as --type flag supports stem matching for brevity: pytest -T u will select the unit tests.

Because they are slow and require supplemental configuration, integration and system tests are skipped by default. They can be enabled via the -I, --integration and -S, --system switches, respectively. Note the difference in behavior between the flags: pytest -I -S will result in all the tests being selected for run whereas pytest -T sys targets the system tests exclusively. Once the -I, -S flags have been used to enable the tests, they can be further filtered using -m and -k. If you are thoughtful about how you name your tests and leverage marks when it makes sense, it can become very easy to run interesting subsets of the suite.

By default, pytest uses output buffering techniques to capture what is written to stdout and stderr. This can become annoying if you are trying to introspect state, print debugging info, or get a look at the servo logs. You can suppress output capture via the -s switch. This is typically only recommended when running a small number of tests because the output quickly becomes incomprehensible.

If you are working through a set of failures, you can rerun the tests that failed on the last run via the --lf, --last-failed flag. The --ff, --failed-first flag will rerun all of the tests, but run the previously failed tests first. Similarly, --nf, --new-first will run the full suite but prioritize new files. The pytest-picked plugin provides additional targeting based on git working copy status -- running pytest --picked will find unstaged files to run.

Finally, the --sw, --stepwise and --sw-skip, --stepwise-skip flags allow you to methodically working through a stack of failures by resuming from your last failure and then halting at the next one.

Makefile Tasks

Test automation tasks are centralized into the Makefile. There are a number of testing tasks availble including:

  • make test - Run all available tests.
  • make test-unit - Run unit tests.
  • make test-integration - Run integration tests.
  • make test-system - Run system tests.
  • make test-coverage - Run all available tests and generate code coverage report.
  • make test-kubeconfig - Generate a kubeconfig file at tests/kubeconfig. See details in Integration Testing below.
  • make autotest - Automatically run tests based on filesystem changes.

Testing tasks will run in subprocess distributed mode by default (see below).

Integration Testing

The test suite includes support for integration tests for running tests against remote system components such as a Kubernetes cluster or Prometheus deployment. Integration tests require a kubeconfig file at tests/kubeconfig.

By convention, the default integration testing cluster is named kubetest and the make test-kubeconfig task is provided to export the cluster details from your primary kubeconfig, ensuring isolation.

Interaction with the Kubernetes cluster is supported by the most excellent kubetest library that provides fixtures, markers, and various testing utilities on top of pytest.

To run the integration tests, execute pytest -I to enable the marker. Integration tests are much slower than the unit test suite and should be designed to balance coverage and execution time.

System tests are enabled by running pytest -S. Systems tests are very similar to integration tests in implementation and performance, but differ in that they are prescriptively bound to particular deployment environments and interact with an actual

Tests can also be run in cluster by packaging a development container and deploying it. The testing harness will detect the in-cluster state and utilize the active service account.

Continuous Integration

The project is configured to run CI on unit tests for all branches, tags, and pull requests opened against the repository. CI for integration and system tests is constrained by a few rules because they are so resource intensive and may be undesirable during experimental developmenmt or integrating multiple branches together.

Integration and system tests are run if any of the following conditions are met:

  • A push is made to main.
  • A push is made to a branch prefixed with release/.
  • A push is made to a branch prefixed with bugfix/.
  • A tag is pushed.
  • A push is made to a branch with an open pull request.
  • The commit message includes #test:integration and/or #test:system.

The default unit test job that is executed for all pushes generates code coverage reports and XML/HTML report artifacts that are attached to the run. The integration and system test jobs report on the runtime duration of the tests to help identify and manage runtime creep.

The unit, integration, and system test jobs all utilize the pytest-xdist plugin to split the test suite up across a set of subprocesses. This is discussed in the Distributed Testing section.

Docker images are built and pushed to Docker Hub automatically for all pushed refs. Release tags are handled automatically and the opsani/servox:latest tag is advanced when a new version is released. The main branch is built and pushed to the opsani/servox:edge tag.

Distributed Testing

The project is configured to leverage locally distributed test execution by default. Servo workloads are heavily I/O bound and spend quite a bit of time awaiting data from external services. This characteristic makes tests inherently slower but also makes them very well suited for parallel execution. The Makefile tasks and GitHub actions are configured to leverage a subprocess divide & conquer strategy to speed things up.

This functionality is provided by pytest-xdist.

Manifest Templating

All manifests loaded through kubetest support Mustache templating. A context dictionary is provided to the template that includes references to all Kubernetes resources that have been loaded at render time. The namespace and objs are likely to be the most interesting.

Startup Banner

Just for fun, ServoX generates an ASCII art banner at startup. The font is randomized from a painstakingly selected set of style that represent the ServoX vibe. The output color is then randomized and has a 50/50 shot of being rendered as a rainbow or a randomly selected flat output color.

Don't like serendipity?

You can take control of the banner output with two environment variables:

  • SERVO_BANNER_FONT: Name of the Figlet font to render the banner in.
  • SERVO_BANNER_COLOR: The color to use when rendering the banner. Valid options are:
    • RED
    • GREEN
    • YELLOW
    • BLUE
    • CYAN

Release Process

  1. Use Semantic Versioning to choose a release number. Run poetry version [major | minor | patch] to increment the version. This will update the version number as version in section [tool.poetry] of the pyproject.toml file.
  2. Minor version release series each have a unique cryptonym. If incrementing the major or minor version, choose a new cryptonym for the release series and set it as the value of __cryptonym__ in servo/
  3. Update with the notable changes of the release. See the introduction for guidance on the form and format. Follow the pattern of prior releases for the release title, generally [x.y.z] "cryptonym" - YYYY-MM-DD.
  4. Commit changes and make sure all tests pass.
  5. Draft a new release on GitHub with the following settings:
    • Tag version: set to vX.Y.Z (e.g., v0.9.5) again the main branch.
    • Release title: set to vX.Y.Z "<cryptonym>"
    • Description: judiciously paste the change log since the prior release
  6. Publish the release, wait for CI actions to complete. Release artifacts are automatically created and published via the GitHub Actions release.yml workflow. The framework is packaged into a Python library and published to PyPi and Docker images are built and published to Docker Hub.
  7. Verify the new image, with tag vX.Y.Z, has been published in Docker Hub.


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ServoX is distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 Open Source license.

A copy of the license is provided in the LICENSE file at the root of the repository.