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Rename download_series to tcia_download_series; update tests
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notZaki committed Sep 2, 2024
1 parent 27fb064 commit 4e11c29
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Showing 3 changed files with 59 additions and 77 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/CancerImagingArchive.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module CancerImagingArchive
using HTTP, CSV, DataFrames, JSON

export download_series
export tcia_download_series

export tcia_collections, tcia_modalities, tcia_bodyparts, tcia_manufacturers, tcia_studies, tcia_series, tcia_series_size
export tcia_patients, tcia_patients_by_modality, tcia_newpatients, tcia_newstudies, tcia_sop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,4 +311,12 @@ function dictionary_to_json(; dictionary, file::AbstractString)

# Adds ~80 seconds to precompile, skipping for now
#@setup_workload begin
# @compile_workload begin
# a = tcia_patients_by_modality(collection="ACRIN-FLT-Breast", modality="OT")
# b = tcia_patients_by_modality(collection="ACRIN-FLT-Breast", modality="OT", format="json")
# end

end # module
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/download_series.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ end
Downloads images belonging to series with `series_id` and extracts them to `destination` folder.
If the destination folder already exists, then it will be overwritten by default unless `overwrite = false`.
function download_series(series_id::AbstractString, destination="./", overwrite=true)
function tcia_download_series(series_id::AbstractString, destination="./", overwrite=true)
_initialize_destination(destination, overwrite)
zip_file = joinpath(destination, "")
tcia_images(series=series_id, file=zip_file)
Expand All @@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ The `df` can be obtained through the `tcia_series()` function.
By default, the series description will be appended to the path unless `append_desc = false`.
If the destination folder already exists, then it will be overwritten by default unless `overwrite = false`.
function download_series(series_df::DataFrames.DataFrame, destination="./"; append_desc=true, overwrite=true)
return [download_series(row, destination; append_desc=append_desc, overwrite=overwrite) for row in eachrow(series_df)]
function tcia_download_series(series_df::DataFrames.DataFrame, destination="./"; append_desc=true, overwrite=true)
return [tcia_download_series(row, destination; append_desc=append_desc, overwrite=overwrite) for row in eachrow(series_df)]

function download_series(series::DataFrames.DataFrameRow, destination="./"; append_desc=true, overwrite=true)
function tcia_download_series(series::DataFrames.DataFrameRow, destination="./"; append_desc=true, overwrite=true)
series_id = series.SeriesInstanceUID
if append_desc
destination = _append_to_path(destination, series.SeriesDescription)
return download_series(series_id, destination, overwrite)
return tcia_download_series(series_id, destination, overwrite)

Expand All @@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ The `arr` can be obtained through the `tcia_series(..., format = "json")` comman
By default, the series description will be appended to the path unless `append_desc = false`.
If the destination folder already exists, then it will be overwritten by default unless `overwrite = false`.
function download_series(series_array::Array, destination="./"; append_desc=true, overwrite=true)
return [download_series(series, destination; append_desc=append_desc, overwrite=overwrite) for series in series_array]
function tcia_download_series(series_array::Array, destination="./"; append_desc=true, overwrite=true)
return [tcia_download_series(series, destination; append_desc=append_desc, overwrite=overwrite) for series in series_array]

function download_series(series::Dict, destination="./"; append_desc=true, overwrite=true)
function tcia_download_series(series::Dict, destination="./"; append_desc=true, overwrite=true)
series_id = series["SeriesInstanceUID"]
if append_desc
destination = _append_to_path(destination, series["SeriesDescription"])
return download_series(series_id, destination, overwrite)
return tcia_download_series(series_id, destination, overwrite)
108 changes: 41 additions & 67 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
using CancerImagingArchive, DataFrames
using CancerImagingArchive
using DataFrames
using Test


# Use global variable for filenames because we want to delete them if they already exist
zip_file = ""
dicom_file = "test.dcm"
csv_file = "test.csv"
json_file = "test.json"

for file in [zip_file, dicom_file, csv_file, json_file]
rm(file, force=true)
testdatadir = "./testdata"
if isdir(testdatadir)
rm(testdatadir, recursive=true)
zip_file = joinpath(testdatadir, "")
dicom_file = joinpath(testdatadir, "test.dcm")
csv_file = joinpath(testdatadir, "test.csv")
json_file = joinpath(testdatadir, "test.json")

# Helper function for comparing CSV/DataFrames vs JSON/DictionaryArrays
function compare_csv_vs_json(csv, json; max_names=Inf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,16 +75,19 @@ SERIES_UID = ""
@test_throws ErrorException tcia_collections(format="unknown")
collections_csv = tcia_collections()
collections_json = tcia_collections(format="json")
@test length(collections_json) > 90
@test length(collections_json) > 100
compare_csv_vs_json(collections_csv, collections_json)

@testset "Queries - Modalities" begin
@test length(tcia_modalities(collection="TCGA-SARC", format="json")) >= 2
@test length(tcia_modalities(bodypart="BREAST", format="json")) > 5
collection_tcga_sarc = tcia_modalities(collection="TCGA-SARC", format="json")
collection_tcga_sarc_csv = tcia_modalities(collection="TCGA-SARC")
collection_breast = tcia_modalities(bodypart="BREAST", format="json")
@test length(collection_tcga_sarc) >= 2
@test length(collection_breast) > 5
tcia_modalities(collection="TCGA-SARC", bodypart="LEG"),
tcia_modalities(collection="TCGA-SARC", bodypart="LEG", format="json"))

@testset "Queries - BodyParts" begin
Expand All @@ -91,21 +97,14 @@ end
tcia_bodyparts(collection="TCGA-SARC", format="json"))

#@testset "Queries - Manufacturers" begin
# compare_csv_vs_json(
# tcia_manufacturers(collection = "TCGA-KICH", modality = "MR"),
# tcia_manufacturers(collection = "TCGA-KICH", modality = "MR", format = "json"))
# compare_csv_vs_json(
# tcia_manufacturers(bodypart = "BREAST"),
# tcia_manufacturers(bodypart = "BREAST", format = "json"))
@testset "Queries - Manufacturers" begin
tcia_manufacturers(collection="TCGA-KICH", modality="MR"),
tcia_manufacturers(collection="TCGA-KICH", modality="MR", format="json"))

@testset "Queries - Patients" begin
# tcia_patients(collection = "TCGA-THCA"),
# tcia_patients(collection = "TCGA-THCA", format = "json")
@test nrow(tcia_patients(collection="TCGA-THCA")) > 5

# Following criteria should only find one patient
found_patient = tcia_patients_by_modality(collection="ACRIN-FLT-Breast", modality="OT")
Expand All @@ -118,49 +117,22 @@ end

@testset "Queries - Studies" begin
# The CSV version requires a few manual changes, so we do them first
studies_csv = tcia_studies(collection="TCGA-SARC")
# 1. Convert the date to plain strings so that they can be compared with the json version
studies_csv.StudyDate = string.(studies_csv.StudyDate)
# 2. Remove the escape characters in the string. These occur in the study description
for (idx, description) in enumerate(studies_csv.StudyDescription)
studies_csv.StudyDescription[idx] = replace(description, "\\" => "")

# studies_csv,
# tcia_studies(collection = "TCGA-SARC", format = "json"))

studies_json = tcia_studies(collection="TCGA-SARC", format="json")
@test nrow(studies_csv) == length(studies_json)
# Following criteria should find at least two series
@test length(tcia_newstudies(collection="TCGA-KIRP", date="2015/01/01", format="json")) >= 2

@testset "Queries - Series" begin
# tcia_series(collection = "TCGA-THCA"),
# tcia_series(collection = "TCGA-THCA", format = "json"), max_names = 3)
# tcia_series(study = STUDY_UID),
# tcia_series(study = STUDY_UID), max_names = 3)
# tcia_series(bodypart = "CHEST", modality = "CT", manufacturer = "TOSHIBA"),
# tcia_series(bodypart = "CHEST", modality = "CT", manufacturer = "TOSHIBA", format = "json"), max_names = 3)

# !! SKIP !! This endpoint seems to not return anything?
# Can not use compare_csv_vs_json() on tcia_series_size() because TotalSizeInBytes has different types
#dce_series_json = tcia_series_size(series = SERIES_UID, format="json")[1]
#@test dce_series_json["TotalSizeInBytes"] == "149149266.000000"
#dce_series_csv = tcia_series_size(series = SERIES_UID)
#@test dce_series_csv.TotalSizeInBytes[1] ≈ 149149266
#@test dce_series_csv.ObjectCount[1] == dce_series_json["ObjectCount"] == 1120
@test length(tcia_series(collection="TCGA-THCA", format="json")) > 20

# SKIP: takes too long
# tcia_series_size(series="1.2.840.113619.")

@testset "Queries - SOP" begin
# tcia_sop(series = SERIES_UID),
# tcia_sop(series = SERIES_UID, format = "json"))
@test length(tcia_sop(series=SERIES_UID, format="json")) > 40

@testset "Data Download" begin
Expand All @@ -173,19 +145,19 @@ end

tcia_images(series=chosen_series, file=zip_file)
@test isfile(zip_file)
@test filesize(zip_file) == 947186
println("Size of zip file: $(filesize(zip_file))")

tcia_single_image(series=chosen_series, sop=chosen_sop, file=dicom_file)
@test isfile(dicom_file)
@test filesize(dicom_file) == 980794
println("Size of dicom file: $(filesize(dicom_file))")

@testset "Download series" begin
series = tcia_series(collection="PDMR-Texture-Analysis", patient="172845-142-T-1259")
seriesjs = tcia_series(collection="PDMR-Texture-Analysis", patient="172845-142-T-1259", format="json")
download_series(series, "./testdf")
download_series(seriesjs, "./testjs")
download_series(series, "./testdf"; overwrite=false)
tcia_download_series(series, joinpath(testdatadir, "testdf"))
tcia_download_series(seriesjs, joinpath(testdatadir, "testjs"))
tcia_download_series(series, joinpath(testdatadir, "testdf"); overwrite=false)

Expand All @@ -205,11 +177,13 @@ end
dataframe_to_csv(dataframe=tabular_data, file=csv_file)
@test isfile(csv_file)
println("Size of csv file: $(filesize(csv_file))")
@test filesize(csv_file) >= 1346

dict_array = tcia_collections(format="json")
dictionary_to_json(dictionary=dict_array, file=json_file)
@test isfile(json_file)
println("Size of json file: $(filesize(json_file))")
@test filesize(json_file) >= 4816

if isdir(testdatadir)
rm(testdatadir, recursive=true)

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