This is an example demo showing a retail store consisting of several microservices based on NodeJS.
A Coolstore app where users can buy some cool merchandise.
- The UI is built with NodeJS and Angular. And the backend includes multiple Node.js services, such as
- Inventory , The stores inventory, how much items are available etc.
- Catalog , The products API
- Cart, Stores all users carts and intiates the order process by sending a message to Orders
- Orders, Completion and checking of orders
- Payments, Checks whether an payment is successfull given a certain Credit Card.
The demo is simple. Add an item to the cart. Checkout the item by going to the Cart
tab. Add payment details. If the Card number starts with 4 the payment is successful else it will show status failed. this is a hard check in the payment service.
Once done, goto the Orders
tab. The Order status should be In Progress
, refresh after a couple of seconds and the status will appear as COMPLETED
. It takes a couple of seconds as their is a wait timer in Payment service + the whole process is done in a reactive and event driven way using Kafka and Quarkus.
The whole demo application can be run locally for those using docker/podman.
Run the docker-compose.yml file in the deploy
podman compose up
Pre-Req: Have an Openshift cluster and log in using the
client -
Change into the deploy directory
cd deploy
oc new-project coolstore-dev
oc apply -f kafka-operator.yaml
oc apply -f kafka-cluster-creation.yaml -n coolstore-dev
oc apply -f kafka-topics.yaml -n coolstore-dev
oc create -f redis-deployment.yaml -n coolstore-dev
oc apply -f redis-service.yaml -n coolstore-dev
oc create configmap mongo-db-init --from-file ./mongo-init.js -n coolstore-dev
oc create -f mongo-deployment.yaml -n coolstore-dev
oc apply -f mongo-service.yaml -n coolstore-dev
Each Node.js service has a npm script named deploy
that uses the Nodeshift cli to easily deploy your services to the cluster.
In each node application directory, run with:
npm run deploy
There is also a runnable script in the deploy
directory that will deploy all the Node.js services in the correct order.
cd deploy/