Experiment modelling maximum parallelism of executors given a DAG of tasks.
This often pops up in computer science / data engineering.
A DAG can represent a "heap" like structure of tasks that can pull the next most important task, respect minimal lineage requirements but allow parallel work to occur. You would have a pool of workers consuming tasks.
The idea is:
How big of a pool do I need given the shape of the DAG?
This also shows up in project planning,
Given a Work Breakdown Structure, how many consultants would I need?
For simplicity we assume each task takes 1 unit of time, each worker is equivalent to each other and can process tasks consistently taking onl 1 unit of time.
If we want to look at the Maximum Flow of the DAG as well, we will assume all edges have equal capacity of 1.
With the widest being 3
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
poetry install
poetry run invoke dev