Releases: myriadsocial/myriad-api
Releases · myriadsocial/myriad-api
2.4.0 (2023-06-15)
- add find profile post (#885) (86ea28e)
- advanced search (#816) (0d11f80)
- mapping Post Visibility to Timeline (#803) (7fc67b1)
- setting notification (#853) (7e5e86a)
- update timeline query (#802) (f8ab1a3)
Bug Fixes
- acceptance-test (#859) (0fc5a6d)
- advance search (#819) (35e148f)
- advanced filter where (#820) (d9988c7)
- advanced search (#845) (de0861a)
- bug fix error add post to timeline (#824) (019240c)
- change advanced search (#826) (3135e10)
- change-notif-message (#823) (4d4622e)
- create migration (#827) (a587daf)
- date format when update user experience (#848) (dfb24cc)
- experience by created by (#836) (85212b4)
- experience find (#833) (4380092)
- experience timeline (#839) (44dde19)
- expirience (#835) (948e926)
- find by createdby (#834) (df5551a)
- follower notif count (#825) (dcf235f)
- follower notif count (#828) (2355f3d)
- handle claim reference on debio network (#811) (566eedc)
- handle claim reference with debio (#813) (452afb7)
- handle empty selectedTimelineIds when creating post (#838) (65d9c63)
- handle error txFeeInsufficient when claim debio (#814) (33e01ba)
- handle get post by originPostId (#866) (ccd2fe1)
- improve timeline query (#849) (5c17d23)
- include @ and # on filter post (#815) (8a1c21c)
- include @ and # on filter search post query (8a1c21c)
- pagination advanced search (#829) (1c3af7e)
- reddit service added user agent (#882) (4ce273c)
- resolve create post (#857) (a9a78c1)
- resolve filter query on search timeiline (#856) (e48b060)
- timeline filter (#844) (7642891)
- timeline filter for single experience (#832) (513dfa8)
- twitter v2 base url (#886) (670f486)
- upvote notification (#821) (b58bef8)
- user experience (#864) (08c22ee)
- user experience by people user id (#842) (ace7e7e)
- weekly change (#877) (f80deef)
- weekly trending tags (#870) (f92dbdb)
- weekly trending topic (#878) (c4357bb)
2.3.0 (2023-02-24)
Bug Fixes
- data seed (#758) (9b1a009)
- fixed average calculation (#767) (456405a)
- handle added post to timeline (#768) (90cbf4e)
- handle claim reference of a big number (#772) (49cf0cb)
- handle filter post query (#780) (657141a)
- improve auth response when login (#773) (9f3755b)
- improve timeline filter (#791) (5bf15dc)
- improved post filter query (#781) (0e258bd)
- include instance id on server seed data (#757) (b12c558)
- included total amount on exlusive content (#770) (538dc4b)
- invalid environment name (#797) (f2d5f06)
- selected post by timeline id (#779) (1f58ca5)
- update order filter (#774) (33ce251)
- update order filter on post (#775) (4fd145f)
- update post created at when add post to experience (#766) (b368155)
- update reference id when fetch wallet address (#771) (c85aaf6)
- visibility timeline (#777) (2738fd2)
- visibility timeline (#778) (65ee21a)
👌 Improvements
- fix: experience post query
- PR: #740
- fix: handle email user case insensitive
- PR: #741
- fix: disable friend restriction for web2 user
- PR: #742
- fix: notification for comment exclusive content
- PR: #743
- fix: set email as lowercase
- PR: #745
- fix: handle checking email validation
- PR: #747
- fix: exclusive info on comment
- PR: #748
- fix: exclusive content detail on comment
- PR: #749
- fix: added new migration to remove DEIP token
- PR: #752
👌 Improvements
- fix: fixed user filter
- PR: #718
- fix: update endpoint to get user by username
- PR: #719
- fix: handle experience post when selected user only
- PR: #720
- fix: typo query friend filter
- PR: #721
- fix: query selected user in timeline
- PR: #722
- feat: added endpoint to count total comment
- PR: #723
- feat: added new endpoint to get total tips received
- PR: #724
- fix: added query in comment collection
- PR: #725
- fix: improved notification for unlockable content
- PR: #726
- fix: added new endpoint to remove unlockable content
- PR: #727
- fix: improved experience query
- PR: #728
- fix: hide field content when not paid
- PR: #729
- fix: improved get username and category
- PR: #730
- fix: added new field in notification addtional reference id
- PR: #731
- fix: handle experience visibility in timeline
- PR: #733
- fix: handle search experience
- PR: #734
- fix: changed action count for web2 user
- PR: #735
- fix: patch user experience
- PR: #738
👌 Improvements
- fix: transaction validation for content paid
- PR: #711
- fix: rename method name when validate transaction
- PR: #712
- fix: authentication with email when wallet is existed
- PR: #713
- fix: handle transaction with alphanumeric near token
- PR: #714
- fix: deactivate hash validation for near
- PR: #715
- fix: deactivate hash validation
- PR: #716
📖 Documents
- bump version to 2.2.4
- PR: #717
🚀 Features
- feat: selected user visibility on post and experience
- PR: #705
👌 Improvements
- fix: refactor phase 2
- PR: #694
- fix: renamed authentication endpoint
- PR: #701
- fix: user wallet filter
- PR: #704
- fix: login by wallet
- PR: #706
- feat: endpoint to get random code for user social media
- PR: #707
- feat: unlockable content
- PR: #703
- fix: handle additional props in response
- PR: #708
- chore: bump version to 2.2.3
- PR: #709