Checking new videos from tracked channels by query.
- Set your configuration
go mod tidy
go run cmd/main.go
If this is your first run: 4) Get link from logs application 5) Follow the link 6) Choose your account 7) Give the necessary permissions 8) Copy code and put it to application console
After first run you don't need to do this again.
- Go version 1.21 or above
- path to configd
- activate debug mode
- "interval_in_seconds" - interval between requests to YouTube
- "caller" - caller configuration
- "count_result" - count of YouTube results in request
- "query" - query of content
- "api_key" - YouTube API key
- "sheet" - sheet configuration
- "credentials_path" - path to credentials
- "name" - sheet name,
- "id" - sheed ID
just default credentials file from Google
- "installed"
- "client_id" - ID of your client
- "project_id" - ID of your project
- "auth_uri" - Google Auth URI
- "token_uri" - Google token URI
- "auth_provider_x509_cert_url" - Google Auth Provider URL
- "client_secret" - client secret\
- "redirect_uris": - redirect uris
just string array