A modern Next.js application designed to demonstrate a cutting-edge tech stack for an e-commerce gift platform. It integrates advanced UI components, multilingual support, and state-of-the-art features, making it a perfect showcase for best practices in frontend development.
This project is complemented by an Express backend, serving as the application's API layer.
- Modern UI with Radix UI & Tailwind CSS: Intuitive, customizable, and accessible components.
- Localization: Multilingual support using i18next and react-i18next.
- Advanced Forms: Validation powered by React Hook Form and Zod.
- Interactive Visualizations: Charts built with Recharts for rich analytics.
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Static Site Generation (SSG), and Client-Side Rendering (CSR) for a blazing-fast user experience.
- Dark/Light Themes: Theme preferences stored in cookies for a personalized experience.
- State Management: Simplified with hooks and context.
- Error Handling: Robust fallback UI using React Error Boundary.
- Next.js: Version 15 with App Router.
- React: Version 18 for building UI components.
- Tailwind CSS: Custom styles and responsive design.
- Radix UI: Highly accessible primitives.
- Lucide Icons: Sleek, customizable icons.
- Express.js: Serving the API for this project.
- Prisma ORM: Database schema and queries.
- Zod: Schema validation.
- i18next: Multilingual support.
- React Table: Advanced table handling.
- React Day Picker: For calendars and date selection.
- js-cookie: Managing cookies for user preferences.
- Faker.js: Generating mock data for testing.
├── public/ # Static assets
├── src/ # Main source code
│ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ ├── pages/ # Next.js pages
│ ├── styles/ # Tailwind CSS styles
│ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ ├── utils/ # Utility functions
│ ├── contexts/ # Context providers
│ ├── locales/ # Language files for i18n
│ └── services/ # API and backend communication
git clone https://github.com/your-repo/gift-showcase.git
cd gift-showcase
npm install
npm run dev
└── locales/
├── en.json # English translations
└── fa.json # Persian translations