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This repository is for the group project 1 in UTBootCamp.

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DataViz-Project1: Drug Mortality and Socio-Economic Conditions in Connecticut

Project Proposal

We are looking to analyze trends in drug overdose death rates in Connecticut and suggest improvements in data collection. And the research of the project aims to answer the following questions:

Is there a relationship between

  • drug-induced mortality rates and income?
  • drug-induced mortality rates and age?
  • drug-induced mortality rates and education?
  • drug-induced mortality rates and gender?
  • drug-induced mortality rates and geo-location (counties)?
  • drug-induced mortality rates and unemployment rates?
  • drug-induced mortality rates and barriers to medical treatment?

Data Sources

Data Cleanup & Analysis

Accidental Drug Overdose Related Deaths in Connecticut 2012-2017.csv is the raw dataset this project uses for the research. This dataset was retrieved from With this dataset in hand, the first thing is to import the data into a dataframe and explore it.


The dataset has 36 columns including the information about the dead such as Sex, Age, Residence City and the information related to the death such as Death City, Death County, InjuryPlace, DescriptionofInjury. In addition, the drug types that are causing the death are included in the dataset.

# Import the raw data
drug_death_raw_df = pd.read_csv("../Resources/Accidental_Drug_Related_Deaths_2012-2017.csv")
drug_death_raw_df = drug_death_raw_df[1:]
Index(['CaseNumber', 'Date', 'Year', 'Sex', 'Race', 'Age', 'Residence City',
       'Residence State', 'Residence County', 'Death City', 'Death State',
       'Death County', 'Location', 'DescriptionofInjury', 'InjuryPlace',
       'ImmediateCauseA', 'Heroin', 'Cocaine', 'Fentanyl', 'Oxycodone',
       'Oxymorphone', 'EtOH', 'Hydrocodone', 'Benzodiazepine', 'Methadone',
       'Amphet', 'Tramad', 'Morphine (not heroin)', 'Other', 'Any Opioid',
       'MannerofDeath', 'AmendedMannerofDeath', 'DeathLoc',
       'DeathLocationCity', 'DeathLocLat', 'DeathLocLong'],

Missing Values

There are 4082 drug overdose related deaths in the dataset. However, the output of drug_death_raw_df.count() clearly shows that not each column has 4082 rows. For example, the column Age has 4080 values and 2 values are missing. Take the column Death County for example, it has 3430 value counts which are much less than the total death cases. But since both DeathLocLat and DeathLocLong have 4082 values, we can utilize the google api along with the latitude and longitude to retrieve the death county. The column such as Death State is missing almost 50 percent of values. But we can confidently fill the empty values with CT as the dataset was collected in Connecticut. Besides, we realized that even though some columns are missing values, it does not mean the data is not good. For example, if a drug overdose related death is caused by Heroin and Cocaine, then other drug columns would be empty.

# Import the raw data
drug_death_raw_df = pd.read_csv("../Resources/Accidental_Drug_Related_Deaths_2012-2017.csv")
drug_death_raw_df = drug_death_raw_df[1:]
CaseNumber               4082
Date                     4080
Year                     4082
Sex                      4079
Race                     4072
Age                      4080
Residence City           3948
Residence State          2116
Residence County         3332
Death City               4079
Death State              2201
Death County             3430
Location                 4061
DescriptionofInjury      1495
InjuryPlace              4004
ImmediateCauseA          4082
Heroin                   2154
Cocaine                  1176
Fentanyl                 1466
Oxycodone                 547
Oxymorphone                97
EtOH                     1005
Hydrocodone               105
Benzodiazepine           1077
Methadone                 388
Amphet                    103
Tramad                     90
Morphine (not heroin)      56
Other                     378
Any Opioid                714
MannerofDeath            4075
AmendedMannerofDeath       28
DeathLoc                 4082
DeathLocationCity        4082
DeathLocLat              4082
DeathLocLong             4082
dtype: int64    

Additional Data

The dataset itself has the limitation when it comes to the questions we want to answer. It cannot give us any insight into the relationship between the drug-induced mortality rates and income, neither can it tell us if the unemployment is the main reason causing drug-induced deaths. To be able to answer these kind of questions, we have to find additional data. That is why we have different data sources in the previous section.

For example, below is the snippet of getting the unemployment rate in 8 counties in Connecticut.

Using BLS API to retrieve the data for 8 counties in Connecticut

headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
start_year, end_year = '2012', '2017'
index = 0
for county, sids in county_to_series_id.items():
#     print(sids)
    data = json.dumps({"seriesid": sids,"startyear":start_year, "endyear":end_year})

    p ='', data=data, headers=headers)

    json_data = json.loads(p.text)
    for series in json_data['Results']['series']:
        x=prettytable.PrettyTable(["series id","year","period","value","footnotes"])
        seriesId = series['seriesID']

        for item in series['data']:
            year = item['year']
            period = item['period']
            value = item['value']
            for footnote in item['footnotes']:
                if footnote:
                    footnotes = footnotes + footnote['text'] + ','
            if '.' in value:
                unemployment_df.loc[index, 'County'] = county
                unemployment_df.loc[index, 'Year'] = year
                unemployment_df.loc[index, 'Period'] = periods.get(period)
                unemployment_df.loc[index, 'Unemployment Rate'] = value
                unemployment_df.loc[index, 'Footnote'] = footnotes[0:-1]
            index +=1
New Haven
New London
# Visualize the dataframe
County Year Period Unemployment Rate Footnote
0 Fairfield 2017 Dec 3.9 Data were subject to revision on April 20, 2018.
1 Fairfield 2017 Nov 4.1 Data were subject to revision on April 20, 2018.
2 Fairfield 2017 Oct 4.2 Data were subject to revision on April 20, 2018.
3 Fairfield 2017 Sept 4.2 Data were subject to revision on April 20, 2018.
4 Fairfield 2017 Aug 4.6 Data were subject to revision on April 20, 2018.

Data Analysis

The final report Drug Mortality and Socio-Economic conditions in Connecticut.pptx is attached to the repository.

Year over year, we observed an increasing trend of the drug-induced deaths in CT.

# Import data and clean up dataframe
death_data_df = pd.read_csv('Resources/Accidental_Drug_Related_Deaths_2012-2017_cleaned.csv')
death_data_df = death_data_df.dropna(subset=["Age"])
death_data_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
mapping = {'Y': 1, 'y': 1}
death_data_df = death_data_df.replace({'Heroin': mapping, 'Cocaine': mapping, 'Fentanyl': mapping, 'Oxycodone': mapping,
       'Oxymorphone': mapping, 'EtOH': mapping, 'Hydrocodone': mapping, 'Benzodiazepine': mapping, 'Methadone': mapping,
       'Amphet': mapping, 'Tramad': mapping, 'Morphine (not heroin)': mapping, 'Other': mapping, 'Any Opioid': mapping})
death_data_df = death_data_df[death_data_df.Year >= 2012]
death_data_df[['Heroin', 'Cocaine', 'Fentanyl', 'Oxycodone','Oxymorphone', 'EtOH', 'Hydrocodone', 'Benzodiazepine', \
               'Methadone', 'Amphet', 'Tramad', 'Morphine (not heroin)']]=death_data_df[['Heroin', 'Cocaine', 'Fentanyl', \
                'Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone', 'EtOH', 'Hydrocodone', 'Benzodiazepine', 'Methadone', 'Amphet', 'Tramad', \
                'Morphine (not heroin)']].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# Graph deaths by year
by_year = death_data_df.groupby(['Year'])
by_year = by_year['CaseNumber'].count()
by_year.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12,8))
plt.title("Accidental Drug Related Deaths per Year")
plt.ylabel("Number of Deaths")


Most deaths are spreading among the ages between 25 to 54.

# Group data by age group

# Create bins for age groups
bins = [0, 17, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 100]

# Create labels for the bins
ages = ["< 18 Years", "18 to 24 Years", "25 to 34 Years", "35 to 44 Years", "45 to 54 Years", "55 to 65 Years", "65 Years or older" ]

# Slice the data and place it into bins
rank = pd.cut(death_data_df["Age"], bins, labels=ages)

# Add column to main dataframe
death_data_df["Age Group"] = rank

# Group by year and age group for graphing
by_year_age_group = death_data_df.groupby(['Year', 'Age Group'])
by_year_age_group = by_year_age_group["CaseNumber"].count()

# Create bar chart
by_year_age_group.unstack(level=0).plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12,8))
plt.title("Deaths by Age Group")


In Connecticut, of the deaths caused by drug overdose, the white is the dominant race group. From the gender's perspective, the deaths among male are much more than female by ~2 times.

colors_list = ["goldenrod","lightblue","tomato","turquoise","violet","wheat", "sienna","plum","orchid"]

xticks = np.arange(1,len(age_groups))
w = 0.4
for i, race in enumerate(race_order):,bars_male[i],bottom = stacking_bars_male[i],color=colors_list[i], label=race+" Male", width=w),bars_female[i],bottom = stacking_bars_female[i], color="xkcd:"+colors_list[i],\
            label=race+" Female", width=w)

plt.xticks(xticks, age_grp_names)
plt.xlabel("Age Group")
plt.ylabel("Number of Deaths")
plt.title("Distribution of Deaths by Race-Sex-Age")


Regarding to the accidental drug-induced deaths year over year, we observed Fentanyl is the main contributor and the deaths caused by fentanyl kept increasing in the past 5 years.

# Deaths by drug
deaths_by_drug = death_data_df.groupby('Year').agg({'Fentanyl': sum, 'Heroin':sum, 'Cocaine':sum, 'Oxycodone': sum, \
                                                    'Oxymorphone': sum, 'EtOH': sum, 'Hydrocodone': sum, 'Benzodiazepine': sum, \
                                                    'Methadone': sum, 'Amphet': sum, 'Tramad': sum, 'Morphine (not heroin)': sum})
deaths_by_drug.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12,8), stacked=True)
plt.title("Accidental Drug Related Deaths per Year by Drug")
plt.ylabel("Number of Deaths")


The unemployment rate is in the inverse proportional to the drug-induced deaths in each county of Connecticut and in state level.

fig, axes= plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True,
fig.suptitle("Drug related deaths v.s. Unemployment rate", fontsize=20)
index = 0
row_index = 0
for county, df in data.items():
    row_index, col_index = row_index, int(index%2)
#     print(f"row: {row_index}, col:{col_index}")
    ax = axes[row_index, col_index]

    ax.plot(df['Year'],df['Death'], 'b-')
    ax.set_ylabel('Death Cases', color='b')
    ax.tick_params('y', colors='b')
    axes2 = ax.twinx()
    axes2.plot(df['Year'],df['Unemployment rate'], 'r-')
    axes2.set_ylabel('UE Rate (*10%)',color='r')
    axes2.tick_params('y', colors='r')

    if col_index == 1 and index !=0:
        row_index += 1
    index +=1 
fig.savefig('Drug deaths vs ue rate.png')


Technical Requirements

The technical requirements for Project 1 are as follows.

  • Use Pandas to clean and format your data set(s)

  • Create a Jupyter Notebook describing the data exploration and cleanup process

  • Create a Jupyter Notebook illustrating the final data analysis

  • Use Matplotlib to create a total of 6-8 visualizations of your data (ideally, at least 2 per "question" you ask of your data)

  • Save PNG images of your visualizations to distribute to the class and instructional team, and for inclusion in your presentation

  • Optionally, use at least one API, if you can find an API with data pertinent to your primary research questions

  • Create a write-up summarizing your major findings. This should include a heading for each "question" you asked of your data, and under each heading, a short description of what you found and any relevant plots.

Presentation Requirements

The presentation requirements for Project 1 are as follows.

Your presentation must:

  • Be at least 8-10 min. long

  • Describe the core message or hypothesis for your project.

  • Describe the questions you and your group found interesting, and what motivated you to answer them

  • Summarize where and how you found the data you used to answer these questions

  • Describe the data exploration and cleanup process (accompanied by your Jupyter Notebook)

  • Describe the analysis process (accompanied by your Jupyter Notebook)

  • Summarize your conclusions. This should include a numerical summary (i.e., what data did your analysis yield), as well as visualizations of that summary (plots of the final analysis data)

  • Discuss the implications of your findings. This is where you get to have an open-ended discussion about what your findings "mean".

  • Tell a good story! Storytelling through data analysis is no different than in literature. Find your narrative and use your analysis and visualization skills to highlight conflict and resolution in your data.

Presentation Guidelines

You are free to structure your presentations to your liking, but students tend to have succes with the following format.

  • Title Slide

    • Include the name of the Project and Group Members
  • Motivation & Summary Slide

    • Define the core message or hypothesis of your project.
    • Describe the questions you asked, and why you asked them
    • Describe whether you were able to answer these questions to your satisfication, and briefly summarize your findings
  • Questions & Data

    • Elaborate on the questions you asked, describing what kinds of data you needed to answer them, and where you found it
  • Data Cleanup & Exploration

    • Describe the exploration and cleanup process
    • Discuss insights you had while exploring the data that you didn't anticipate
    • Discuss any problems that arose after exploring the data, and how you resolved them
    • Present and discuss interesting figures developed during exploration, ideally with the help of Jupyter Notebook
  • Data Analysis

    • Discuss the steps you took to analyze the data and answer each question you asked in your proposal
    • Present and discuss interesting figures developed during analysis, ideally with the help of Jupyter Notebook
  • Discussion

    • Discuss your findings. Did you find what you expected to find? If not, why not? What inferences or general conclusions can you draw from your analysis?
  • Post Mortem

    • Discuss any difficulties that arose, and how you dealt with them
    • Discuss any additional questions that came up, but which you didn't have time to answer: What would you research next, if you had two more weeks?
  • Questions

    • Open-floor Q&A with the audience


This repository is for the group project 1 in UTBootCamp.






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