Download | Linux & macOS | Windows | Dependencies | Build system | Source |
(black) | ubuntu 18.04 | (blank) | (blank) | (blank) | (blank) |
This configure is tested on ubuntu 18.04
Feel free to ask question about install issue.
run ~/personal_configures/
and run ~/personal_configures/
for Intellij editor.
I have used this vimrc:
location ~/.vimrc
(TODO: Sometimes settings.json text had been removed. fix it.)
code --list-extensions | xargs -L 1 echo code --install-extension > vscode_installed_extensions.txt
example: vscode_installed_extensions.txt
(notepad, powerpoint, word keybinding as vim editor . exe file - no need for any configure without removing predefined configure of VSCODE)
(Logitec mouse setting)
To be continued...
Surfingkeys is one of the best chrome extension I ever used.
I added some features for surfingkeys for Korean.
And some useful ergonomics features also added.
(google chrome vim binding) - surfingkeys
(google chrome Auto Text Expander setting.)
(TODO: make json file for import)