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Self- discovery version of SWIM membership protocol with metadata distribution


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SD-SWIM Build Status Coverage Status JavaScript Style Guide npm version

Self-discovery implementation of SWIM membership protocol that uses Protocol Buffers [] over UDP for message exchange. Also includes a Metadata Distribution sub-protocol for the distribution of generic metadata for each node.

Why "self discovery"?

When a node join a group using SWIM, it must know his own IP, which is actively used in protocol implementation. This can be an issue when running nodes in container-based architectures, where a containerized process cannot know the HOST IP automatically.

Why Metadata Distribution?

SWIM is only about membership. On top of this we have to add services that can be used transparently in a distributed system. The most generic basic one is the distribution of metadata, so that every node receives a list of metadata of all nodes. These info can be used for instance as a basic Service Discovery service


const hosts = [{host: '', port: 12345}, {host: '', port: 12345}]
const sdswim = new SDSwim({port: 12345, hosts})

Then start using callback:

sdswim.start(port => {
  console.log(`Node started on port ${port}`)

...or promises:

sdswim.start().then(port => port => console.log(`Node started on port ${port}`))

When started, use memberList to obtain an array of current members (active and suspect):


To stop

sdswim.stop(err => {
  console.log('Node stopped')


sdswim.stop().then(() => console.log('Node stopped))


SD-Swim is an EventEmitter, so it's possible to listen for up, joined, peerUp, peerDown and updated-members events:

sdswim.on('up', port => {
  console.log(`Node up and listening on port ${port}`)

sdswim.on('joined', () => {
  console.log('Node correctly joined the group')

sdswim.on('updated-members', membersList => {
  console.log(`Whole members list updated (join successful). Current list has ${membersList.length} members`)

sdswim.on('peerUp', node => {
  console.log(`Node added as active ${}:${node.port}`)

sdswim.on('peerDown', node => {
  console.log(`Node added as faulty ${}:${node.port}`)

Metadata API

We can set on a node generic metadata, that will be then propagated to all the nodes. Metadata is an array of {key, value}, where key is a String while value is a Buffer.

Set / change ALL my metadata:

// Set/change ALL my metadata:
const mydata = [{ key: 'test', value: Buffer.from('test') }]

Change a single metadata:

node.add('myKey', Buffer.from('myValue'))

Remove a single metadata:


Every node will eventually receive the data and can be obtained using the data property, which returns an array of {owner, entries, version}:


   owner: { host: '', port: 12341 },
   entries: [{ key: 'test2', value: (...) }],
   version: 1
   owner: { host: '', port: 12340 },
   version: 1,
   entries: [{ key: 'test', value: (...) }]

When data are updated, a new-metadata is emitted:

node.on('new-metadata', data => {

Command Line

It's possible to launch SWIM from command line, specifying the port (-p), if verbose (-v), e.g.:

node index -p 10000

If it's not the first node, we have to specify the host:port list to be joined:

node index -p 10000

If the join fails, the process exit. If the list option is set, prints out to console the member list every -l millis (can be useful for debugging), e.g.:

node index -p 10000 -l 1000

Algorithm Parameters

Field Default Notes
port 0 When 0 it uses a random free UDP port
joinTimeout 2000 After this timeout, if the join protocol is not completed, an error is generated
interval 100 Interval for failure detection. Every interval the failure detector is run, so it must be > of pingTimeout + pingReqTimeout
pingTimeout 20 Ping Timeout. After this timeout, a pig-req is sent
pingReqTimeout 60 Ping Request Timeout
pingReqGroupSize 3 Ping Request Group Size
updatesMaxSize 50 Maximum number of updates sent in piggybacking
dissemination factor 15 An update is gossiped until a maximum of (df*ln(size))
suspectTimeout 1000 Timeout to mark a SUSPECT node as FAULTY
metadataDistributionTimeout 1000 Interval for metadata distribution

SD-SWIM Protocol

SWIM is a membership protocol [], with the goal of having each node of a distributed system an updated "member list".

This implementation add a small join protocol to the protocol defined in the paper above, that it's used to join the group when a node has no a priori knowledge of his own address.

Join Protocol

The join protocol is used when a node try to connect to a group, getting the initial member list and updating the other member's membership lists with himself.

Example: A Sends a Join message to B with {B_IP} (cannot sent his own IP because we assume it doesn't know it), e.g.:

        “target”: {
          "host":, // B_IP
          "port:" 12345        // B_PORT

When B receives the Join message, it:

  • saves it own IP (it's possible is still unknown)
  • answer with a JoinAck message:
        "target": {
          "host":, // A_IP
          "port": 5678         // A_PORT
        "members": { (...) }   // The full members list, ask known by B

A receives the JoinAck and saves his own IP and init the member list. A will receive multiple updates (at maximum one for each Join sent). The first valid response is used by A to set his own IP and the (full) initial member list, indeed sending the full member list from another node is the quicker way to start gossiping with other nodes. Subsequent JoinAck received are silently ignored, since the initial member list is already set and the node knows is IP.

Failure Detection

These are the protocol parameters:

  • interval: Protocol Period
  • pingReqGroupSize: Failure detector subgroups
  • pingTimeout
  • pingReqTimeout

Given a node A, every interval:

  • It selects a member from the list B using the member selection algorithm (see below) the and sends a ping
  • A waits for the answer.
    • Answer not received after a pingTimeout:
      • A selects a pingReqGroupSize members (again with the same algorithm) and sends a ping-req(B) message
      • Every node of those, send in turn ping(B) and returns the answer to A
  • After interval, A check if an ack from B has been received, directly or through one of the pingReqGroupSize members. If not, marks B as SUSPECT and start disseminating the update(see below).

Member Selection Algorithm

Memeber list is traversed and then shuffled when the end of the list is reached to assure a fair distribution of other members selection in a given node.


The dissemination of updates is done through piggybacking of ping, ping-req and ack messages. Every node maintains a list of updates to be propagated, and when it sends one of the above messages, add these changes to the payload. When a message is received, these updates are processed and if necessary, changes are applied to the member list.

Every update entry has the form:

  target: {host: ``, port: 12345},
  setBy: {host: ``, port: 12345},
  state: 0,
  incNumber: 2

The state properties is the assertion on the node state, that can be:

  • ALIVE: 0
  • SUSPECT: 1
  • FAULTY: 2

incNumber (incarnation number) is set initially to 0, and can be incremented only when a node receives an update message on himself. It's used to drop (and not further propagate) "outdated" updates

Update rules

These rules are applied when an update is processed:

ALIVE, with incNumber = i

Condition Member List Updates
Node not present Member added as ALIVE Propagated
Node present and ALIVE, with incNumber <= i Member updated (setBy, incNumber) Propagated
Node present and ALIVE, with incNumber > i Propagated
Node present and SUSPECTED, with incNumber <= i Member updated as ALIVE Propagated
Node present and SUSPECTED, with incNumber > i Drop

SUSPECT, with incNumber = i

Condition Member List Updates
Node is me incNumber is incremented new ALIVE update created
Node not present Member added as SUSPECT Propagated
Member present and ALIVE, with incNumber <= i Member changed to SUSPECT Propagated
Member present and ALIVE, with incNumber > i Drop
Member present and SUSPECTED, with incNumber <= i Member updated (setBy, incNumber) Propagated
Member present and SUSPECTED, with incNumber > i Drop

FAULTY, with incNumber = i

Condition Member List Updates
Node not present Propagated
Node is me incNumber is incremented new ALIVE update created
Node present remove from the alive nodes Propagated

pingReqTimeout reached with no acks by Failure Detector:

Condition Member List Updates Updates Propagations
pingReqTimeout reached with no acks change status to SUSPECT new SUSPECT created

suspectTimeout reached by Dissemination module

Condition Member List Updates Updates Propagations
suspectTimeout reached for a node remove from alive nodes new FAULTY created

Metadata Distribution Subprotocol

This rules are applied:

  • When a node changes metadata, it sends his new metdata to all nodes (not caring about ack), increasing the version.
  • On peerUp the node sends his metadata to the new peer
  • On peerDown the failing node metadata are removed
  • Every metadataDistributionTimeout, a member is chosen (using the same member selection applied for SWIM ping) and all the metadata are sent
  • If a all-meta message is received, all the metadata are returned to the sender

When a node receives metadata, these are updated if the version is > then the current local data.


This implementation uses protobuf

The messages generated are:

  • Join
  • JoinAck
  • Ping
  • Ack
  • PingReq


This message is the first message used to join the group, and is sent to a set of members (targets) defined when the node is activated. In this example, the node NODE_A sends the message to NODE_B

Field Value Notes IP_B
destination.port 11000
type 0


This message is the response to Join. When Node_A receive this message it:

  • Saves it's own IP
  • Init the Memeber list with the one received from Node_B
Field Value Notes IP_A
destination.port 11000
type 1
members node[]

This message is the first message used to join the group, and is sent to a set of members (targets) defined when the node is activated.


This message is used in Failure Detection. Every T time, is sent to a member of his member list (see the full description of the algorithm).

Field Value Notes
type 2
updates member[] updates in piggybacking


This message is used in Failure detection, and it's an aswer to a Ping or a PingReq. If the request is missing is a Ping. Otherwise it's a PingReq.

Field Value Notes
type 3
updates member[] updates in piggybacking node node to be checked indirectly
request.requester node the indirect check requester


This message is used to request an indirect IP a after a first ping failed.

Field Value Notes IP_A
destination.port 110000
type 4
updates member[] updates in piggybacking node node to be checked indirectly
request.requester node the indirect check requester

Notes / TODOs

Not yet implemented / possible improvements:

  • No control on message size


Self- discovery version of SWIM membership protocol with metadata distribution







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