"What's Ramda?"
Ramda is a Functional Programming library for JavaScript, that is simlar to Lodash and Underscore.
"What's different about Ramda vs. Lodash?"
Ramda follows many Functional Principles such as:
- Functional Purity
- Immutability
- Currying
- Composition
"Ok, big deal! Why should I care?"
There's many reasons, but if I had to give you one, I'd say: It provides a nice, simple way to build sophisticated logic through function composition.
"What's function composition?"
It's a way to create new functions by combining two or more pure functions. I like to think of it as creating new functions without having to add new logic.
"This seems interesting, where can I learn more?"
If Ramda and functional programming looks interesting, and you want to learn more, please consider taking my course "Functional Programming For Beginners with JavaScript"