Create BigQuery views that unify sets of table with the same prefix and different versions. The view returns a union of all records from the different table versions and cast columns to a common data type.
This tool was written to be deployed as a Cloud Function. The function is triggered by a Pub/Sub topic feeded by our BigQuery sink. The dispatched messages contain information about table that are created by our process.
Columns that conflict in their data type are cast to a common representation. The specific cast used depends on the conflicting data types. Basic idea is to extend the target data type. We go from a more specific to more generic type. This mitigates any information loss. As such, STRING represents our most generic type, since it can represent any other BQ type.
Conflict Types | Cast To |
environment variable must be set to a valid Google Project ID.
The service account must have READ access to the source dataset and WRITE access
to the output dataset.
The following example is the command that we use to deploy on GCP:
gcloud functions deploy --project <PROJECT_ID> --runtime python37 --retry \
--entry-point handler --source ./ --trigger-topic bigquery-table-create \
bigquery-uniview --set-env-vars PROJECT_ID=<PROJECT_ID> \
--service-account bigquery-uniview@<PROJECT_ID>