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feat: importModules without loading environment extensions
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Kha committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent 019f8e1 commit 0c4532f
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Showing 9 changed files with 90 additions and 83 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Lean/Elab/Import.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ def processHeader (header : Syntax) (opts : Options) (messages : MessageLog)
(inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0) (leakEnv := false)
: IO (Environment × MessageLog) := do
let env ← importModules (leakEnv := leakEnv) (headerToImports header) opts trustLevel
let env ←
importModules (leakEnv := leakEnv) (loadExts := true) (headerToImports header) opts trustLevel
pure (env, messages)
catch e =>
let env ← mkEmptyEnvironment
Expand Down
63 changes: 39 additions & 24 deletions src/Lean/Environment.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -843,16 +843,13 @@ private def equivInfo (cinfo₁ cinfo₂ : ConstantInfo) : Bool := do
&& tval₁.all == tval₂.all

Construct environment from `importModulesCore` results.
If `leakEnv` is true, we mark the environment as persistent, which means it
will not be freed. We set this when the object would survive until the end of
the process anyway. In exchange, RC updates are avoided, which is especially
important when they would be atomic because the environment is shared across
threads (potentially, storing it in an `IO.Ref` is sufficient for marking it
as such). -/
Constructs environment from `importModulesCore` results.
See also `importModules` for parameter documentation.

def finalizeImport (s : ImportState) (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options) (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0)
(leakEnv := false) : IO Environment := do
(leakEnv loadExts : Bool) : IO Environment := do
let numConsts := s.moduleData.foldl (init := 0) fun numConsts mod =>
numConsts + mod.constants.size + mod.extraConstNames.size
let mut const2ModIdx : Std.HashMap Name ModuleIdx := Std.HashMap.empty (capacity := numConsts)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -901,31 +898,49 @@ def finalizeImport (s : ImportState) (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options) (
Safety: There are no concurrent accesses to `env` at this point. -/
env ← unsafe Runtime.markPersistent env
env ← finalizePersistentExtensions env s.moduleData opts
if leakEnv then
/- Ensure the final environment including environment extension states is
marked persistent as documented.
Safety: There are no concurrent accesses to `env` at this point, assuming
extensions' `addImportFn`s did not spawn any unbound tasks. -/
env ← unsafe Runtime.markPersistent env
if loadExts then
env ← finalizePersistentExtensions env s.moduleData opts
if leakEnv then
/- Ensure the final environment including environment extension states is
marked persistent as documented.
Safety: There are no concurrent accesses to `env` at this point, assuming
extensions' `addImportFn`s did not spawn any unbound tasks. -/
env ← unsafe Runtime.markPersistent env
pure env

@[export lean_import_modules]
Creates environment object from given imports.
If `leakEnv` is true, we mark the environment as persistent, which means it will not be freed. We
set this when the object would survive until the end of the process anyway. In exchange, RC updates
are avoided, which is especially important when they would be atomic because the environment is
shared across threads (potentially, storing it in an `IO.Ref` is sufficient for marking it as such).
If `loadExts` is true, we initialize the environment extensions using the imported data. Doing so
may use the interpreter and thus is only safe to do after calling `enableInitializersExecution`; see
also caveats there. If not set, every extension will have its initial value as its state. While the
environment's constant map can be accessed without `loadExts`, many functions that take
`Environment` or are in a monad carrying it such as `CoreM` may not function properly without it.
def importModules (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options) (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0)
(leakEnv := false) : IO Environment := profileitIO "import" opts do
(leakEnv := false) (loadExts := false) : IO Environment := profileitIO "import" opts do
for imp in imports do
if imp.module matches .anonymous then
throw <| IO.userError "import failed, trying to import module with anonymous name"
withImporting do
let (_, s) ← importModulesCore imports |>.run
finalizeImport (leakEnv := leakEnv) s imports opts trustLevel
finalizeImport (leakEnv := leakEnv) (loadExts := loadExts) s imports opts trustLevel

Create environment object from imports and free compacted regions after calling `act`. No live references to the
environment object or imported objects may exist after `act` finishes. -/
unsafe def withImportModules {α : Type} (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options) (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0) (act : Environment → IO α) : IO α := do
let env ← importModules imports opts trustLevel
Creates environment object from imports and frees compacted regions after calling `act`. No live
references to the environment object or imported objects may exist after `act` finishes. As this
cannot be ruled out after loading environment extensions, `importModules`'s `loadExts` is always
unset using this function.
unsafe def withImportModules {α : Type} (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options)
(act : Environment → IO α) (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0) : IO α := do
let env ← importModules (loadExts := false) imports opts trustLevel
try act env finally env.freeRegions

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lake/Lake/Load/Lean/Elab.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ initialize importEnvCache : IO.Ref (Std.HashMap (Array Import) Environment) ←
def importModulesUsingCache (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options) (trustLevel : UInt32) : IO Environment := do
if let some env := (← importEnvCache.get)[imports]? then
return env
let env ← importModules imports opts trustLevel
let env ← importModules (loadExts := true) imports opts trustLevel
importEnvCache.modify (·.insert imports env)
return env

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/lean/ctor_layout.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Lean
open Lean.IR

unsafe def main : IO Unit :=
withImportModules #[{module := `Lean.Compiler.IR.Basic}] {} 0 fun env => do
withImportModules #[{module := `Lean.Compiler.IR.Basic}] {} fun env => do
let ctorLayout ← IO.ofExcept $ getCtorLayout env `Lean.IR.Expr.reuse;
ctorLayout.fieldInfo.forM $ fun finfo => IO.println (format finfo);
IO.println "---";
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions tests/lean/run/instances.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ open Lean.Meta
instance : ToFormat InstanceEntry where
format e := format e.val

unsafe def tst1 : IO Unit :=
withImportModules #[{module := `Lean}] {} 0 fun env => do
let aux : MetaM Unit := do
let insts ← getGlobalInstancesIndex
IO.println (format insts)
discard <| |>.toIO { fileName := "", fileMap := default } { env := env }
unsafe def tst1 : IO Unit := do
let env ← importModules (loadExts := true) #[{module := `Lean}] {}
let aux : MetaM Unit := do
let insts ← getGlobalInstancesIndex
assert! insts.size > 0
IO.println (format insts)
discard <| |>.toIO { fileName := "", fileMap := default } { env := env }

#eval tst1
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/lean/run/instuniv.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Lean
open Lean

unsafe def tst : IO Unit :=
withImportModules #[{module := `Init.Data.Array}] {} 0 fun env =>
withImportModules #[{module := `Init.Data.Array}] {} fun env =>
match env.find? `Array.foldl with
| some info => do
IO.println (info.instantiateTypeLevelParams [levelZero, levelZero])
Expand Down
80 changes: 38 additions & 42 deletions tests/lean/run/meta1.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ import Lean.Meta
open Lean
open Lean.Meta

unsafe def tstInferType (mods : Array Name) (e : Expr) : IO Unit :=
withImportModules ( $ fun m => {module := m}) {} 0 fun env => do
let (type, _, _) ← (inferType e : MetaM _).toIO { fileName := "", fileMap := default } { env := env } {} {};
IO.println (toString e ++ " : " ++ toString type)

unsafe def tstWHNF (mods : Array Name) (e : Expr) (t := TransparencyMode.default) : IO Unit :=
withImportModules ( $ fun m => {module := m}) {} 0 fun env => do
let (s, _, _) ← (whnf e : MetaM _).toIO { fileName := "", fileMap := default } { env := env };
IO.println (toString e ++ " ==> " ++ toString s)

unsafe def tstIsProp (mods : Array Name) (e : Expr) : IO Unit :=
withImportModules ( $ fun m => {module := m}) {} 0 fun env => do
def tstInferType (e : Expr) : CoreM Unit := do
let env ← getEnv
let (type, _, _) ← (inferType e : MetaM _).toIO { fileName := "", fileMap := default } { env := env } {} {};
IO.println (toString e ++ " : " ++ toString type)

def tstWHNF (e : Expr) : CoreM Unit := do
let env ← getEnv
let (s, _, _) ← (whnf e : MetaM _).toIO { fileName := "", fileMap := default } { env := env };
IO.println (toString e ++ " ==> " ++ toString s)

unsafe def tstIsProp (e : Expr) : CoreM Unit := do
let env ← getEnv
let (b, _, _) ← (isProp e : MetaM _).toIO { fileName := "", fileMap := default } { env := env };
IO.println (toString e ++ ", isProp: " ++ toString b)

Expand All @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ mkAppN map #[nat, bool]

/-- info:{1, 1} Nat Bool : (Nat -> Bool) -> (List.{1} Nat) -> (List.{1} Bool) -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Data.List] t1
#eval tstInferType t1

def t2 : Expr :=
let prop := mkSort levelZero;
mkForall `x BinderInfo.default prop prop

/-- info: Prop -> Prop : Type -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] t2
#eval tstInferType t2

def t3 : Expr :=
let nat := mkConst `Nat [];
Expand All @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ mkForall `x BinderInfo.default nat p

/-- info: forall (x : Nat), Nat.le x 0 : Prop -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Data.Nat] t3
#eval tstInferType t3

def t4 : Expr :=
let nat := mkConst `Nat [];
Expand All @@ -54,19 +54,15 @@ mkLambda `x BinderInfo.default nat p

/-- info: fun (x : Nat) => Nat.succ x : Nat -> Nat -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] t4
#eval tstInferType t4

def t5 : Expr :=
let add := mkConst `Nat.add [];
mkAppN add #[mkLit (Literal.natVal 3), mkLit (Literal.natVal 5)]

/-- info: Nat.add 3 5 ==> 8 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstWHNF #[`Init.Data.Nat] t5

/-- info: Nat.add 3 5 ==> 8 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstWHNF #[`Init.Data.Nat] t5 TransparencyMode.reducible
#eval tstWHNF t5

set_option pp.all true
/-- info: @List.cons.{0} Nat : Nat → List.{0} Nat → List.{0} Nat -/
Expand All @@ -89,23 +85,23 @@ mkAppN map #[nat, nat, f, xs]
info:{1, 1} Nat Nat (fun (x : Nat) => Nat.add x 1) (List.cons.{0} Nat 1 (List.cons.{0} Nat 4 (List.nil.{0} Nat))) : List.{1} Nat
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Data.List] t6
#eval tstInferType t6

info:{1, 1} Nat Nat (fun (x : Nat) => Nat.add x 1) (List.cons.{0} Nat 1 (List.cons.{0} Nat 4 (List.nil.{0} Nat))) ==> List.cons.{1} Nat ((fun (x : Nat) => Nat.add x 1) 1) ({1, 1} Nat Nat (fun (x : Nat) => Nat.add x 1) (List.cons.{0} Nat 4 (List.nil.{0} Nat)))
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstWHNF #[`Init.Data.List] t6
#eval tstWHNF t6

/-- info: Prop : Type -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[] $ mkSort levelZero
#eval tstInferType $ mkSort levelZero

info: fun {a : Type} (x : a) (xs : List.{0} a) => xs : forall {a : Type}, a -> (List.{0} a) -> (List.{0} a)
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Data.List] $ mkLambda `a BinderInfo.implicit (mkSort levelOne) (mkLambda `x BinderInfo.default (mkBVar 0) (mkLambda `xs BinderInfo.default (mkApp (mkConst `List [levelZero]) (mkBVar 1)) (mkBVar 0)))
#eval tstInferType $ mkLambda `a BinderInfo.implicit (mkSort levelOne) (mkLambda `x BinderInfo.default (mkBVar 0) (mkLambda `xs BinderInfo.default (mkApp (mkConst `List [levelZero]) (mkBVar 1)) (mkBVar 0)))

def t7 : Expr :=
let nat := mkConst `Nat [];
Expand All @@ -114,11 +110,11 @@ mkLet `x nat one one

/-- info: let x : Nat := 1; 1 : Nat -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] $ t7
#eval tstInferType $ t7

/-- info: let x : Nat := 1; 1 ==> 1 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstWHNF #[`Init.Core] $ t7
#eval tstWHNF $ t7

def t8 : Expr :=
let nat := mkConst `Nat [];
Expand All @@ -128,35 +124,35 @@ mkLet `x nat one (mkAppN add #[one, mkBVar 0])

/-- info: let x : Nat := 1; Nat.add 1 x : Nat -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] $ t8
#eval tstInferType $ t8

/-- info: let x : Nat := 1; Nat.add 1 x ==> 2 -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstWHNF #[`Init.Core] $ t8
#eval tstWHNF $ t8

def t9 : Expr :=
let nat := mkConst `Nat [];
mkLet `a (mkSort levelOne) nat (mkForall `x BinderInfo.default (mkBVar 0) (mkBVar 1))

/-- info: let a : Type := Nat; a -> a : Type -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] $ t9
#eval tstInferType $ t9

/-- info: let a : Type := Nat; a -> a ==> Nat -> Nat -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstWHNF #[`Init.Core] $ t9
#eval tstWHNF $ t9

/-- info: 10 : Nat -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] $ mkLit (Literal.natVal 10)
#eval tstInferType $ mkLit (Literal.natVal 10)

/-- info: "hello" : String -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] $ mkLit (Literal.strVal "hello")
#eval tstInferType $ mkLit (Literal.strVal "hello")

/-- info: [mdata 10] : Nat -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] $ mkMData {} $ mkLit (Literal.natVal 10)
#eval tstInferType $ mkMData {} $ mkLit (Literal.natVal 10)

def t10 : Expr :=
let nat := mkConst `Nat [];
Expand All @@ -165,39 +161,39 @@ mkLambda `a BinderInfo.default nat (mkApp refl (mkBVar 0))

/-- info: fun (a : Nat) => Eq.refl.{1} Nat a : forall (a : Nat), Eq.{1} Nat a a -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstInferType #[`Init.Core] t10
#eval tstInferType t10

/-- info: fun (a : Nat) => Eq.refl.{1} Nat a, isProp: false -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstIsProp #[`Init.Core] t10
#eval tstIsProp t10

/-- info: And True True, isProp: true -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstIsProp #[`Init.Core] (mkAppN (mkConst `And []) #[mkConst `True [], mkConst `True []])
#eval tstIsProp (mkAppN (mkConst `And []) #[mkConst `True [], mkConst `True []])

/-- info: And, isProp: false -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstIsProp #[`Init.Core] (mkConst `And [])
#eval tstIsProp (mkConst `And [])

-- Example where isPropQuick fails
/-- info: id.{0} Prop (And True True), isProp: true -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstIsProp #[`Init.Core] (mkAppN (mkConst `id [levelZero]) #[mkSort levelZero, mkAppN (mkConst `And []) #[mkConst `True [], mkConst
#eval tstIsProp (mkAppN (mkConst `id [levelZero]) #[mkSort levelZero, mkAppN (mkConst `And []) #[mkConst `True [], mkConst
`True []]])

/-- info: Eq.{1} Nat 0 1, isProp: true -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstIsProp #[`Init.Core] (mkAppN (mkConst `Eq [levelOne]) #[mkConst `Nat [], mkLit (Literal.natVal 0), mkLit (Literal.natVal 1)])
#eval tstIsProp (mkAppN (mkConst `Eq [levelOne]) #[mkConst `Nat [], mkLit (Literal.natVal 0), mkLit (Literal.natVal 1)])

/-- info: forall (x : Nat), Eq.{1} Nat x 1, isProp: true -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstIsProp #[`Init.Core] $
#eval tstIsProp $
mkForall `x BinderInfo.default (mkConst `Nat [])
(mkAppN (mkConst `Eq [levelOne]) #[mkConst `Nat [], mkBVar 0, mkLit (Literal.natVal 1)])

/-- info: (fun (x : Nat) => Eq.{1} Nat x 1) 0, isProp: true -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval tstIsProp #[`Init.Core] $
#eval tstIsProp $
(mkLambda `x BinderInfo.default (mkConst `Nat [])
(mkAppN (mkConst `Eq [levelOne]) #[mkConst `Nat [], mkBVar 0, mkLit (Literal.natVal 1)]))
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions tests/lean/run/meta3.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,12 +21,6 @@ do let v? ← getExprMVarAssignment? m.mvarId!;
| some v => pure v
| none => throwError "metavariable is not assigned")

unsafe def run (mods : Array Name) (x : MetaM Unit) (opts : Options := dbgOpt) : IO Unit :=
withImportModules ( $ fun m => {module := m}) {} 0 fun env => do
let x : MetaM Unit := do { x; printTraces };
discard $ x.toIO { options := opts, fileName := "", fileMap := default } { env := env };
pure ()

def nat := mkConst `Nat
def succ := mkConst `Nat.succ
def add := mkAppN (mkConst `Add.add [levelZero]) #[nat, mkConst `Nat.add]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/pkg/user_attr_app/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ def tst : MetaM Unit := do

unsafe def main : IO Unit := do
initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot) [".lake/build/lib"]
withImportModules #[{ module := `UserAttr.Tst : Import }] {} 0 fun env => pure ()
withImportModules #[{ module := `UserAttr.Tst : Import }] {} fun env => pure ()

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