An e-commerce Telegram mini app with payment gateway, which can be launched from a Telegram bot
/server folder of this repo contains code for listening to webhook events (which you need to set using setWebhooks) and payment invoice generation API (/invoice-link
route in /server/index.js)
BOT_TOKEN - the unique token that is given when your bot is created, you can also get it from botfather
PAYMENT_TOKEN - the unique token that is given after configuring your bot payment gateway
CLIENT_APP_URL - a url value where you going to deploy the client side of this repo (/client folder)
run npm install
inside the /server folder, this will install all the necessary packages
run npm run start
inside the /server folder, this will start the server in port 5000 ( you can also configure this by adding PORT variable in .env file)
/client folder of this repo contains a react app which will render the e-commerce mini app, it also uses the Telegram web app API library (which brings the core APIs to interact with the Telegram bot and app) in client/index.html which will load the Telegram.WebApp module in window object
<script src=""></script>
VITE_APP_BACKEND_URL - url where your server is running (/server folder of this same repo)
VITE_APP_NAME - name of your telegram mini app
run npm install
inside the /client folder, this will install all the necessary packages like react, tailwind, vite, etc
run npm run dev
inside the /client folder, this will start the dev server which is configured using vite js
live demo of this app can be found at, you can launch the mini app either by clicking the Menu button or by sending any message to this bot like in this video
client side is served from -
server side is server from -