Let's eat all over the world !
Deprecated Visit Our New Google Sheet
Please make sure you have python and virtualenv installed on your PC or Mac
>> virtualenv venv -p python3.5 >> source venv/bin/activate >> pip install -r requirements.txt >> ./auto_build.sh & >> open build/html/index.html
Why would I do this?
Yah, We're born with a curious heart. We're to explore everything around us. Enjoy food, Enjoy life !
- A simple static poi page for sharing
- A poi search engine
- A poi recommandation system
- Search Engine Page
- Dianping crawler
- Recommandation Service
- User Social
We use `reStructuredText<http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/rest.html#rst-primer>`_ to build our site. More info please refer to :doc:`source/how_to_contribute` 。 Anyone who get interested, please contact me. echo d2VudGVyLnd1QGdtYWlsLmNvbQo= |base64 -D :-)