#Damco Solutions - POC
To showcase this demo, dist_offline folder can be used, this folder contains precompiled code files.
###Technologies and tools used
- ES6
- Babel gulp extension to compile ES6 files (you can also use bable-cli to do so, Please use babel_compile.sh to manually compile the js files).
- gulp as task runner
- Mocha for writing unit test cases
###Build Instructions for Basic Demo without installing required tools
To build basic demo if tools like npm, bower etc are not to be installed, Please do
source babel_compile.sh
This will create a new dist_offline folder and then dist_offline/index.html can be loaded to see the working app.
###Build instruction
To build js files, you can use babel_compile script. You ll need babel-cli to do so.
To build the project, following are required
- npm
- Bower
- Gulp
After installing please run the following commands:
npm install
bower install
Once all the dev dependencies are installed you can start the inbuilt server, to do so gulp build gulp serve
To run the unit test cases,
gulp serve:test