Web Game bomberman brain wave, in First person shoot, multiplayers, 3D ( with babylonjs engine (https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js).
##Pré requis:
- Openssl
- Nginx
- MongoDb
- node@5 (use nvm https://github.com/creationix/nvm)
##Config ssl cert for Nginx:
- Generate ssl cert :
npm run crt-generate-local
- Deploy local cert on nginx:
npm run deploy-nginx-local-crt
##Config Nginx:
- Deploy local nginx config and restart service:
npm run deploy-nginx-config
In /config/{dev|prod}/:
- account.json: facebook app login
- config{client|Serve}: params game
- Npm Dependencies:
npm install
- Watch task ( jshint, config, mocha, karma, webpack bundle)
- Add app domain to resolve host: Add in /etc/hosts : bombercat.io
- Test:
npm test
NODE_ENV=production npm i --production
NODE_ENV=production npm start
##Demo: https://monchezmoi.no-ip.org