An unofficial PHP client to make it easy to interface with Trade Me's API platform.
composer require jpcaparas/trademe-php-api
$config = [
'sandbox' => true,
'oauth' => [
'consumer_key' => 'foo',
'consumer_secret' => 'bar',
$client = new \JPCaparas\TradeMeAPI\Client($config);
['oauth_token' => $tempAccessToken, 'oauth_token_secret' => $tempAccessTokenSecret] = $client->getTemporaryAccessTokens();
$tokenVerifierUrl = $client->getAccessTokenVerifierURL($tempOAuthToken); // Visit this URL and store the verifier code
// The config values are a culmination of steps 1 and 2
$config = [
'temp_token' => 'baz',
'temp_token_secret' => 'qux',
'token_verifier' => 'quux'
['oauth_token' => $accessToken, 'oauth_token_secret' => $accessTokenSecret] = $client->getFinalAccessTokens($config);
You can make API calls once you've gotten your final access tokens:
$config = [
'sandbox' => true,
'oauth' => [
'consumer_key' => 'foo',
'consumer_secret' => 'bar',
'token' => 'baz',
'token_secret' => 'qux',
'token_verifier' => 'quu',
$client = new Client($config);
$params = [
'Category' => 'TestCategory',
'Title' => 'TestTitle',
'Description' => ['TestDescriptionLine1'],
'Duration' => 1,
'BuyNowPrice' => 99,
'StartPrice' => 90,
'PaymentMethods' => [2, 4],
'Pickup' => 1,
'ShippingOptions' => [
['Type' => 1],