Openstack-detective is a tool based on ansible to help troubleshoot and diagnose an openstack environment.
- Install ansible on your host (for instance, triple-o/director)
- Create a hosts file to reflect your environment (example in hosts.ex)
- Setup SSH key from your ansible host to the hosts in your hosts file
ssh-copy-id heat-admin@<hostname>
# Or manually paste your .ssh/ into authorized_keys for the user on the given host
- Update group_vars/all and set your user and whether you need to sudo
remote_user: "heat-admin"
become: "True"
- Execute the checks
ansible-playbook -i hosts healthcheck.yml
# Example of executing only rabbitmq checks and creating a report
#ansible-playbook -i hosts healthcheck.yml --tags='rabbitmq,report'
#ansible-playbook -i hosts healthcheck.yml --tags='glance_backend,report'
- View results Results will be written to results/config_report.log unless you change the group_vars/all result_dir variable
NOTE: If you see a message like below in the results, it means either the check did not run or there was a problem with it and it received no value:
WARNING: <check> NOT DEFINED - Check the ansible run to see what happened