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yaml-schema-cpp is a C++ library for specification and validation of YAML files. It is a useful tool for C++ applications that use YAML files as user interface.


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YAML Schema CPP library

The yaml-schema-cpp is a C++ library for specification and validation of YAML files. This is a useful feature for C++ applications where the configuration is done via YAML files. Relegating the validation/completion of input YAML files to yaml-schema-cpp allows the code to be free of checkings, exceptions and error messages about missing parameters, wrong types, etc.

In yaml-schema-cpp, the specification is stated in schema files. The schemas can specify the following:

  • Structure and fields.
  • Documentation of each field.
  • Type of the field (allowing custom classes).
  • Fields can be mandatory or optional.
  • Default values can be specified for optional fields.
  • The values of can be limited to a set of options.
  • Use of polymorfism in type checking.
  • Boolean expressions.

Also, an executable yaml_template_generator is provided to automatically generate template YAML files from schema files. Offering YAML templates for our application will facilitate its usage and reduce user errors, improving the user experience.

This library uses exprtk as boolean expressions interpreter. The file "exprtk.hpp" is redistributed without modifications, under the MIT license.


Requirements: C++11 and cmake 3.16 or newer. It is tested with C++11, 14, 17 and 20 in Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04.


1. Boost::Filesystem

sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev

2. Eigen 3

sudo apt install libeigen3-dev

3. yaml-cpp (minimum required 0.6.2)

In ubuntu from 20.04, it is the version available via apt:

sudo apt install libyaml-cpp-dev

In ubuntu 18.04, it has to be installed from source:

git clone -b yaml-cpp-0.6.2 --depth 1
cd yaml-cpp
mkdir -pv build
cd build
sudo make install

Clone and compile

git clone -b main
cd yaml-schema-cpp
mkdir build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install

You can run the tests with ctest -j4.

Using yaml_schema_cpp

The .schema file

The specifications are contained in schema files. Schema files are YAML files as well, but they have the extension .schema.

The following is a toy example of a schema file for input YAML files describing houses:

    _mandatory: true
    _type: string[]
    _doc: "Sequence of all owners' names"
      _mandatory: true
      _type: string
      _doc: "Model of the oven"
        _mandatory: true
        _type: int
        _doc: "number of stoves"
        _mandatory: false
        _type: string
        _default: "gas"
        _options: ["natural gas", "butane", "propane", "electric", "induction", "coil", "other"]
        _doc: "The type of the stoves"
        _mandatory: $stove_type == 'electric' or stove_type == 'induction' or stove_type == 'coil'
        _type: double
        _doc: "The power of the stoves (W)"
      follow: TV.schema
      _mandatory: true
      _type: Eigen::Vector2d
      _doc: "Table dimensions (m)"
    _mandatory: true
    _type: derived[]
    _base: BedroomClass
    _doc: "A sequence of bedrooms" 
      _mandatory: true
      _type: bool
      _doc: "If the house has corridor or not"
      _mandatory: $has_corridor
      _type: string
      _doc: "Description of the corridor"
    _mandatory: false
    _type: string
    _doc: "Address is hardcoded in this schema file"
    _value: "Whichever street, 11, Springfield"

In this example, the schema specifies the structure and contents of input YAML files. There are some reserved fields to specify the input field, presented below.


A string specifying which type the input field should be. The _type can be:

  • Trivial types (bool, char, int, unsigned int, long int, long unsigned int, float, double, std::string).
  • Eigen types (Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::Matrix2d, Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::Matrix3d, Eigen::Vector3d, ...)
  • Custom types: The input field can be a custom type defined in the corresponding schema file.
  • "derived": The input field can be a custom type deriving from a specified base class (see _base).

If the type string ends with [], the input field is specified to be a sequence.


A bool value or expression (see below) specifying if the input field is required or just optional.


A string with a brief documentation.

_default (optional)

In case the input field is missing (only allowed if _mandatory is false), then the field is added with the _default value in the input yaml node.

_value (optional)

Specify the value in the schema file. It means not allowing the field to be defined in the input file. This is useful for derived classes, to specify some parameters of its base class.

_options (optional)

A sequence of accepted values.

_base (required if _type is "derived")

The base class that the input field type should inherit from. This checks the input against the base class schema.

The follow key

In both input and schema files, the key follow is interpreted as a copy-paste of the contents of another file (either .schema or .yaml).


We allow the use of exprtk expressions in _mandatory field. There are some rules for the expressions:

  1. It should start by a $ symbol.
  2. All parameters involved in an expression have to be at the same level of the specified node.
  3. All parameters involved in an expression have to be mandatory at all cases (i.e. true, not an expression) or have a default value defined.
  4. The exprtk syntax has to be followed (see exprtk readme for more information).
  5. The result of the expression will be casted to bool. If the result is a numeric value, it will be converted to true except for 0 (false).

Some examples of expresssions:

  _mandatory: $mode == 'auto'            # assuming 'mode' is a string parameter with mandatory=true
  _mandatory: $enabled                   # assuming 'enabled' is a bool parameter with mandatory=true
  _mandatory: $n_threads > 0             # assuming 'n_threads' is a int/double parameter with mandatory=true
  _mandatory: $enabled and not(disabled) # assuming 'enabled' and 'disabled' are bool parameters with mandatory=true

C++ API: Load and check YAML inputs

The class YamlServer centralizes all the yaml-schema-cpp functionalities. In your C++ code, you should instantiate an object of this type to load and check the input YAML files.

std::vector<std::string> schema_folders{"/some/path/containing/schema/files"};
YamlServer server = YamlServer(schema_folders, "another/path/containing/the/input.yaml");

bool succeed = server.applySchema("requeriments.schema");

if (not succeed)
  std::cout << server.getLog() << std::endl;

YAML::Node input_node = server.getNode();

Or, if you have more than one yaml file to load:

YamlServer server = YamlServer({"one/path/with/schemas","another/path/with/schemas","yet/another/path/with/schemas"});


if (not server.applySchema("requeriments.schema"))
  std::cout << server.getLog() << std::endl;

YAML::Node input_node_1 = server.getNode();


if (server.applySchema("other_requeriments.schema"))
  std::cout << server.getLog() << std::endl;

YAML::Node input_node_2 = server.getNode();

If the input yaml file is not validated, YamlServer::applySchema() returns false and the errors found are reported with YamlServer::getLog(). The log output will be something like this:

Log of applySchema to YAML file
  yaml file: /path/to/the/input.yaml
  schema: Example.schema

ERROR in 'map1/param2': Wrong value. Allowed values defined in OPTIONS.
Schema specification:
  DOC: some doc
  TYPE: string
   - what
   - the
   - hell

ERROR in 'map1/param3': Wrong type.
Schema specification:
  DOC: some doc
  TYPE: double

ERROR in 'param4': Missing mandatory field.
Schema specification:
  DOC: some doc
  TYPE: string

ERROR in 'param5[1]': Wrong type.
Schema specification:
  DOC: some doc
  MANDATORY: false
  TYPE: int

ERROR in 'param6': Already defined in schema, not allowed to be changed.
Schema specification:
  DOC: some doc
  MANDATORY: false
  VALUE: 3.14
  TYPE: double

The .yaml file

The .yaml file is the user input file that will be checked against the specifications defined in .schema file(s). It should be a regular YAML file. The following features are included in the library:


Analogoulsy to schemas, the user can specify that some part of a YAML files is defined in a different YAML file. Use the key follow to provide the relative or absolute path of the file to be copy-pasted. Note: follow can be used recursively.

Relative paths

This library handles relative paths parameters. In case a string value starts by ./ or ../, it is interpreted as relative path and it is properly concatenated to its absolute location. This is useful in case of using follow to a YAML in a different folder that contains a path parameter.

Tree structure

This library is intended to be used to validate a given YAML file with parameters. Then, loops are not suported in the input YAML file. It is assumed to have tree structure. Note that follow copies the content of the other file, so multiple follow instantes to the same file is supported.

YAML template generator

We provide the executable yaml_template_generator to generate automatically YAML input files containing the fields and structure, types, documentation, etc. specified in the schema files. Call it with:

yaml_template_generator schema_name schema_folders output_file

schema_name: Schema to be applied (just its name, without path or extension).

schema_folders: Path to the folder(s) that contains all the schema files (they are searched recursively). Provide more than one folder with '[path1 path2 ...]'.

output_file: (OPTIONAL) Path and name of the output file. If not provided, it will be placed in $HOME with a default name based on schema_name (requires $HOME to be defined).

NOTE 1: Paths can be absolute (starting by '/') or relative.

NOTE 2: output_file will be modified to avoid overriding existing files.


yaml-schema-cpp is a C++ library for specification and validation of YAML files. It is a useful tool for C++ applications that use YAML files as user interface.







Contributors 3
